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might have the use he wanted, were the Landlord ever so averse. So far then
as immediate possession is concerned, it was the respect due to Your
Lordship, & to what appeared to me to be rules of probity & decorum,
& not any necessity in point of Law, that was the motive of my humble
application to Your Lordship, to whose decision in that particular the
same considerations will command my submission: & Your Lordship
will be pleased accordingly to recollect, that in the very sentence
in which the request was made, I added that it was not any formal
act that I stood in need of troubling Your Lordship for for that the purpose would be equally answered by a simple acquiescence.

To satisfy Your Lordship of the concurrence spoken of on the part
of the Gentlemen who had been appointed supervisors, I take the liberty of
inclosing a letter or two just returned by the Archbishop of York together
with one I happened to have by me expressive if the spontaneous support
of a respectable & learned friend, an old connection of the
Archbishop's, & who may not improbably (all within the sphere of
Your Lordship's Acquaintance. I hope the good Archbishop will
pardon the liberty I may perhaps take of adding his own hand
to the rest.

To shew Your Lordship, the state of the business in respect of
the land in question, I also send a Report of a Committee of the
House of Commons of the year 1784. The estimates it contains of the
expence Your Lordship will be pleased to observe are for 900 Prisoners
only & my House is to contain 1,000. Actual expence I believe was
scare ever known not to exceed the estimated, especially in public
works, & neither that of furnishing nor that of stocking is included.
Your Lordship will have the goodness to return the Report, as it is

Identifier: | JB/541/419/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 541.



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