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be proportionably perfect? I will build across what may be termed the
peninsula as my own expence a Wall, of which, unless it should appear
more eligible to carry a road on the other side of it, your Lordship's
Tenants shall have the use: and in that direction if there should
be any part which it may appear eligible to your Lordship to
have detached from the rest in order to form that more convenient boundary,
I shall be ready in that view, if the price comes within my reach,
to purchase on as far as your Lordship pleases. As to the Public
House and the Cottages, your Lordship may well imagine that I should
be glad enough to include them in the purchase, and you will I suppose
be of opinion, that for the sake of the public, it will be but
fitting they should be so included. The compulsory powers of the
Act being general, and excluding (according to a general and very
proper rule) all Dwelling-houses, it was on that account that
neither the Cottages nor the Public House were included in the forced
purchase contacted by the Supervisors: but after the naked land
had been secured, there was a voluntary treaty on foot, as I
understood from Sir C. Bunbury, for the purchase of the Public
House, to which purchase no reluctance on the part of the Land
-Lord whoever he was (I suppose the ownership was in the same hands
as that of the adjacent land) was testified.

Possibly with respect to such lots as are not comprised in the
verdict of the Jury, or at least some of them, a lease might be more
eligible or more practicable than an absolute purchase: if so, I should
have no objection, if it were of sufficient length or renewable.

Identifier: | JB/541/443/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 541.



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