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1830 – May 7
Nomography may be defined the art of
giving expression to the will of a superior in
such manner as in so far as depends upon
the expressn to produce upon the human conduct the effect endeavored
thereby to be produced. To produce this effect
an adequate body of inducement(a) (a) What inducem<hi rend="superscript">t</hi> is see further on. must to the
will of the agent of in questn be applied.
Explicit & inexplicit – in either of
these two modes may expresst to the will & thereby effect be given.
By explicit expressn understand that
by whh in the endeavor to produce the effect
the form of imperatn are employed.
By inexplicit understand the mode in
which any other form that than that of
imperatn is employed.
Imperation is either positive or
negative:– positive or say jussive; negative
or say prohibitive or inhibitive.
Identifier: | JB/549/020/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 549.
1830-05-07 |
549 |
020 |
nomography |
001 |
text sheet |
recto |
111 |