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1831 Feb. 12
Under the head In the case of superiority, considered more
than in that of inferiority or equality
In any place whatsoever, at any moment of time whatsoever,
take any really existing object whatsoever, the state it is in with
reference to motive is either active or passive. Of these two
states, the active is the most considerable, in the assumption of the existence
of the object in that state, the existence of any other object is not undetected:
on the assumption of its being in the passive state, the existence of
another object, actually or at least potentially, is included, namely
that of another one other object at least, by which it is acted upon, and
which is accordingly with reference to it in an active state.
In man –(not to speak of other animals) – two faculties
have place – two faculties, in which all others are included,(a) (a) Quere as to this
an active faculty – the will; a passive – the understanding
or say a passive faculty, the perception, an active, the will.
Of the relation between art and science, and the
reason for making the two denominations into one word, an
exposition has been given in the work intituled Chrestomathia.
In By that branch of art and science by which it was
endeavoured to be shown in what manner expression may be given to the
state of the understanding, or say perception or conception
faculty, the denomination of Logic that is to say to most advantage, that is to say in such sort as
most perfectly to produce the effects intended by him by whom
it is exercised, the denomination of logic has been given, and
by from Aristotle the has been we possess the earliest institutional
work or say book of instruction on that subject still extant
on that subject: and of that same branch of art and
science he is accordingly regarded as the founder or as with
more correct regard to consistency it might be said – the planter.
To that branch of art and science by which it is shown
or endeavoured to be shown in what manner with most advantage or say effect expression may with most effect
be given by him by whom exercise is given to the faculty of the will, no
denomination hath as yet
geen given: denominations
which might be given to it are –
logic of the will,
or if for the designation
of both branches in conjunction
for the purpose of bringing to view their mutual relation, the termination be cleared to be employed Neology being the denomination given to the logic
of the understanding, thelematology (from word by which in the Greek language the will is designated) may be employed for designating the logic of the will.
Identifier: | JB/549/029/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 549.
1831-02-11 |
1-6 |
549 |
029 |
Nomography |
001 |
Text sheet |
Jeremy Bentham |