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1831 June 23

By Nomography understand a branch of logic applied
to the purpose of giving the intended expression and thereby used
so for the direction and intended effect to the matter of law to discourse
emanating from persons such members of the community
to who the whose will in so far as known or presumed the conduct
of the others is in the habit of conforming itself.

Logic may be defined taken in the most extensive
sense of the word may be defined – the art and science
which teaches and practice applies to practice the means of
applying with the greatest effect the intercourse between mind and mind to its the several purposes to for which it is directed.

In the art and science of Logic, two branches
may be distinguished – the logic of the understanding,
and the logic of the will.

Logic may be considered as applying itself
to two distinguishable faculties of the human mind –
1 the intellectual or say the understanding: and 2. the volitional
or say the will.

It may be considered as divided into two
branches correspondent to the two faculties to which it
is considered as applying itself: names of those branches
accordingly logic of the understanding and logic of the

Of the intellectual faculty the character is passive;
of the volitional active. By the will no effect is produced
any further than action is produced. But active of modes of
action there are which are internal, that is to say confined as well as external: internal
that is to say having place in the mind alone; external having place
to the mind, as well as in the body or in this or that part of it: and in both cases the
action may be either positive or negative: positive when by the
action of the will motive is produced; negative when by the action
of the will motive which otherwise would have had place, is

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"1-5, 1"



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Jeremy Bentham



Jeremy Bentham

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Jeremy Bentham

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