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1828 July 9 For Nomography
Blackstone Real Property Commission Answer Rudiments

1. Invitation should have
been general. ☞ Postpone.

2. J.B.'s objects
1. As to property in general
2. As to real property in

3. Titles by succession
not mentioned

4. Charging not mentioned

5. In relation to no
subject matter can
law ben useful any
further than it is

6. Of assurance, the
forms only can be
given not the substance
and effect, so long as
Justice is rendered by
the expence unacceptable

y. In matter of law
improvements in terms
not preferable to a vague
description of them: the
description being on no
other supposition of any
practical use unless
it terminates at a
document in terminis.

"Alienating conveying
"and transferring – Say
conveying rather a Transferring
or charging

9. "Assuring the titles therein".
Title by i.e. act of men transfer is
but one: by death,
i.e. act of nature, is
matter which for politico-economical
purposes must be taken into consideration.

---page break---

§. 1. Objects – none prescribed
by Kings advisors – what
recommended by J.B.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 26.

§. 2. Commission to prepare Invitation general to
send in proposed improved Codes preferable to Commission for
preposing improvements
by general description 15. 16. 17. 18

§. 3. Effectual notoriety or say appropriate on
condition sine qua non to
all benefit from improved
code when established
19. 20. 21

§. 4. Principles proper to be
pursued in the arrangement
of the law of property viz
1. Principle of civil juste
2. Principles of belonging to political economy
3. Principle of constitutional law
22. 24. 25.

§. 5. Principle2 actually pursued.
1. Vague principle Greatest happiness in respect of the benefit
resulting from such transaction
2. Invitation principle
3. Custom following pursuing principle.

---page break---

1. Invitation principle
or and
2. Custom pursuing principle

In so far as unknown
Law in civili produces
disappointment, and is in
that way contrary to Civil

So in penali it is
inefficacious, and the
punishment is useless
happiness consumed
in waste

Principles by which the
state, the purport and
tenor of the Law of Real
Property should be determined.
1. Principle of Justice
2. Principle of Political Economy
3. Principle of Constitutional Law

It ought to be
1. Conformable to the principles
of justice – to the
dictates of justice, as
applied to the Civil branch
of the Law.
2. Conformable to Conducive to the ends
of government, as indicated
by the principles
of political economy

Identifier: | JB/549/158/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 549.


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