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equity, before one or other of the said Judges in Ordinary, by way of
reference to the arbitrament of the said Judge; and such memorandum
shall set forth the matter in dispute; which memorandum being filed
with the Registrar of such Judge, shall be final and binding upon both
parties, and shall not be capable of being revoked or rescinded by either
without the consent of the other in writing; and the Registrar shall
appoint a time when the said Judge shall hear the said matter, and
shall issue a summons or summonses for any witness or witnesses whose
attendance either party may desire to have, such summons to be
according to the provisions of this Act in cases of action or plaint, and
such witness or witnesses so summoned and not attending or not
answering, to be dealt with in all respects as is hereinbefore directed in
the case of actions or plaints.

Judge & Judges
Singular & Plural
Registrar 42
Judge under the
order of the

LXXX. And be it Enacted, That the said Judge shall proceed
to hear the matter so to him referred as an arbitrator, and shall have
power to examine the parties upon their oaths,|| and shall adjourn the
hearing of the matter from time to time as he shall think fit, and shall
direct what other evidence he may require to be brought before him,
whether it be by witnesses or by documents, and after hearing the whole
matter he shall make his award in writing, which award shall be final
and conclusive to all intents and purposes, and shall be filed with the
Registrar, and may be pleaded and given in evidence, or an examined
copy thereof may be given in evidence in all courts of law or equity:
Provided always, That if either party shall desire that any matter of
law should be stated on the said award, or if the Judge himself shall
think fit, he shall state such matter in his award for the purpose of raising
the question for the decision of any Court of law or equity, upon
which both parties may agree, or in the event of their disagreeing, for
the decision of such Court as the Judge shall appoint.

Oaths 7 or 4
|| No power here
Registrar 43
1. Reinquiry 1
Appeal virtual
A trap for Suitors.

LXXXI. And be it Enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said
Judge, if he thinks any part of the matter referred to him fit for being
tried by a jury, to try the same in like manner as actions are directed to
be tried before him by this Act; and the verdict of such jury shall be
binding upon his judgment, unless he directs a 2 new trial, which he is
hereby authorized to do; and 3 if either party shall desire him to state in
his award any direction to the jury given by him in matter of law, or
any decision upon admitting or rejecting any evidence before the jury,
he shall state such direction or decision, and it may at the instance of
either party be brought before such court of law as both may agree
upon, or as the said Judge, in default of their agreeing, may appoint.

Appeal virtual
Appeal virtual 2d
2. Reinquiry 2 or 1.
3. Reinquiry 3 or 2.

LXXXII. And be it Enacted, That the decision of the court before
whom such matter of law, or direction or decision shall be brought shall
be final: 4 Provided always, That such court may direct a new trial of
any matter that has been tried by a jury, on the ground of misdirection by

Identifier: | JB/004/021/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 4.



Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

lord brougham displayed

Folio number


Info in main headings field




[[titles::11 geo. iv sess. 1830 / a bill [as amended by the committee] / for establishing courts of local jurisdiction]]


printed material

Number of Pages




Page Numbering





Paper Producer


jeremy bentham

Paper Produced in Year

Notes public

ID Number


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