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FORM of ANSWER.—Public Way.
C. D. denies (as before) because he says that there is, and time out of
mind hath been a public highway for all the King's subjects, along the
said close, called Blackacre, to pass and repass with their cattle and carriages,
wherefore he C. D. did pass and drive his carriage thereon.
I. K. &c.
FORM of REPLY.—Admitting Right of Way, but new Assigning.
A. B. says that C. D. drove his carriage over a part of the close,
called Blackacre, whereon he and those whose estate he hath, hath not
nor had any right of way to drive their carriages [or, whereon there is
not, nor hath been, time out of mind, a public highway for all the King's
subjects to pass and repass with their carriages.]
G. H., &c.
A. B. demands of C. D. the sum of £. 4. which he owes him for
grocery sold to him. This Plaint to be tried at sittings holden
2d September next, before the Judge in Ordinary for the county
of Kent.
A. B.
[or. G. H. Attorney for Plaintiff.]
18 August 1830
C. D. denies that he owes A. B. any thing.
C. D.
[or. I. K. Attorney for Defendant.]
18 August 1830.
A. B. cites C. D. before the Judge, &c to shew cause why he
should not pay to him A.B. the sum of £.90. bequeathed to him by
M. N. deceased, whose executor [or, administrator] C. D. is.
FORM of ARTICLE, ne uncques Executor.
C. D. shows for cause why he should pay nothing to A. B. that he
C. D. is not, not ever was, executor [or, administrator] of M.N.
FORM OF ARTICLE, denying Legacy.
C.D. shows for cause why he should not pay A.B. any thing,
that M.N. whose executor [or, administrator] he is, did not bequeath
the legacy claimed to A.B. [or, only bequeathed £. 40. which he
C. D. now brings into Court.]
I. K. &c.
Identifier: | JB/004/029/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 4.
1830-06-21 |
004 |
lord brougham displayed |
029 |
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[[titles::11 geo. iv sess. 1830 / a bill [as amended by the committee] / for establishing courts of local jurisdiction]] |
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