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1827 Apr. 9
Review of Anti Humphreynan with Anti Peel &c

Mr Dixon has no imagination
left consigned
Mr B. to in his merited
obscurity by the absence
not only of all mention not
even and of all but of allusion to his
name ... if by such
a hand anything
could be bestowed
nothing could be more
honourable to that so raisable
a name.

et Cassius, co
quod non

---page break---

Mr Dixon, when a
Case packet of documents is brought to him
if any such thing is
ever brought to him –
with a fee by it
it is his practice to
refuse sovereigns and
insist upon receiving
in lieu of them a
draught upon the at Aldgate?
– a for the ?
If so, he will
gain credit for

render it possible for
us to believe that he
himself believes what
he himself says which
he is taking so much
power in the
to as to belief that
a portion of the fictitious
entity called Common
law is a safer
support for the property
of the which he is occupied
in conveying than
would be a the correspondent
quantity of matter if
consigned to a determinate
set of words and
those words sanctioned
by the authority of

the contract for the
of the diabolical
a precedent for
which is reputed in one
of the editions of Jacobs
Dictionary any expect
to see Mr Dixon with a
in an
appropriate receptacle
in such sort as to be
effectually bound any one
day to give the same judgment
any one day as he the
said Judge or any
Brother of his had in the
same case given on
any other day.

---page break---

When a lawyers Legislator
when the

When it becomes the
wish of a legislator to
encourage the give existence or encrease performance
to a certain and of action
the course he takes – the
only course the nature of
man admitts of his taking
for this purpose is the
effecting or strengthening
the connection between
interest and duty
employing for the
purpose the matter of

When the object is
to render less frequent
as far as may be to
the performance
of the mode of action
the and the
the means and instrument employed the only
means employed is the
matter of reward

Mr Dixon appears
to be a rising Judges
treading in his steps on
the road to at
the hands of Lord Elden
not less fit for a Conveyance
than Lord
Elden for a Chancellor

Mr Dixon were
he in the situation of Lord
Elden and with the
same fluency and
as Lord Elden
would reap the share
as regularly gathering
the same quantity of
land and admiration

---page break---

with little differences
other than that of their
relative situations on
ambition's ladder:
the one at the top of the
ladder, the other at the tip.

Identifier: | JB/011/281/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 11.



Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

law amendment

Folio number


Info in main headings field

[[info_in_main_headings_field::review of anti humphrys […?] with anti-peel &c]]






Number of Pages




Page Numbering


jeremy bentham


j whatman turkey mill 1824


Paper Producer

jonathan blenman


Paper Produced in Year


Notes public

ID Number


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