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1828 May 9
Use of Written PleadingCopied and Copy corrected

So much for Mr Peel: now for Mr Bentham

Mr Bentham not being in the form – Mr Bentham
being at the it having implied devoted from childhood devoted himself to the endeavour
to render law what it ought to be and always professes to be,
and having already employed a long life in that endeavour, –
thence it is that to him in his eyes consolidation in an
be as a substitute to
to the exclusion of Codification is unendurable. Codification
alone endurable.

Mr Bentham – not being in the form and having
Mr Bentham having withdrawn his name out of it at the earliest moment possible,
long before Mr Peel was born or thought of – Mr Bentham
having nothing to gain by keeping security out of the hands of
others, and being of course desirous of giving encrease to his it in
own, thence it is that while in labouring to render law
universally knowable he is labouring at the same time labouring to render
justice no less universally accessible.

Regarding Codification as indispensable he has As the result of those labours for
for For the use of this country in another century, and for that the use of
another hemisphere in the present century working up in an uniform and consistent mass an all-comprehensive Code is as he calls it a Pannomion, containing he a Constitutional
Code in terminis wanting little of completion, an all-comprehensive Penal Code
and an all comprehensive Civil Code in outline, with other ones in view having in his view other ones
by whom under the instruction he has given, it could after his death be filled
up. He has a an all comprehensive Procedure Code, inclosable in a
nutshell of the same not bigger than that in which
once upon a time in days of yore when , the Jhad war
eased. I say a nutshell meaning a hazlenut shell: for if it required a
walnut shell the hazlenut,
would not he says be
fit for purpose: and
of the contents of this that
shell some anticipation may
may be already been have been formed by anyone
who has dipped into
his Rationale of Evidence:
though it were
no more than the fourth
Volume of it.

Identifier: | JB/011/322/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 11.



Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

law amendment

Folio number


Info in main headings field

use of written pleadings





text sheet

Number of Pages




Page Numbering



jeremy bentham


b&m 1828


Paper Producer

arthur moore; richard doane


Paper Produced in Year


Notes public

[[notes_public::"copied and copy corrected" [note in bentham's hand]]]

ID Number


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