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1830 March 24
J.B. to Peel

Think of your pertinency in shutting your eyes against all information
from &c

Here in outline is a Penal Code for you.

Will you turn aside from it? will you put it aside
with aversion? Will you do what depends upon you
towards depriving the British Empire of the all benefit of
derivable from it.

I call upon you – how can I do otherwise
than call upon you &c

Will you absolutely shut your eyes against all
information coming from the quarter in question.

Already the people of this country are not quite
blind to it &
Every day their eyes will be opening wider and wider

misera est servitus ubi bis est vagum aut incognitum

Every Few lawyers, every thing for the people nothing.
For the lawyers the that saved so much to the people, supported
so much paid by suitor to their taxes, so much remained applicable
to the use of the lawyer.

While the of what was found going out
the pockets of the lawyer was preserved to them with encrease.

In presenting you with this work, what I am
doing is accompanied with this truly powerful feeling apprehension, not to say assurance that
I am presenting it to a man who to the power
the desire will to deprive the country of all the good
which by his assistance I should have been be unable to
do it, the good which so many years before has come into the
world? in labouring with my utmost energy to give birth

In Government of this country in every instance, at all
times joining in the conspiracy with this predatory
class in despoiling and oppressing the people without
mercy, in regardless of the manner excess of the suffering
inflicted on the subject many over the enjoyment given
to the ruling few – loss by pounds imposed upon the one to
produce gain by shilllings
to the other
before a
is extracted in a
suit in which by a
5 minutes a tormentor
a Pursuer of the party injured might have been produced.

Identifier: | JB/011/355/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 11.



Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

law amendment

Folio number

"a" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 355.

Info in main headings field

jb to peel






Number of Pages




Page Numbering


jeremy bentham


b&m 1829


Paper Producer

arthur moore; richard doane


Paper Produced in Year


Notes public

ID Number


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