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1820 Novr 19
J.B. To Mora
Q.S.P. Wednesday 18 Novr 1820
The quarter from whence this comes will be sufficiently known
to you. Names will convey no information to the parties, and
may incidentally give it to this or that individual, by whom
a mischievous one might be made of it.
The following is a mode of communication recommended
as preferable to the ordinary one. To Bowring and Co
The outer envelope addressed To Don Adam Wordman, Vitoria: with: the
letter within it addressed to Bowring and Co. London, with
J.B. in the corner.
I forgot My last was a more private letter. In
it I forgot to mention the having sent on Friday the 10th the
conclusion of my remarks on Judge Report.
In that letter or the next preceding were the heads of my
to too large pamphlet the proposed title of which is Rid
Yourselves of Ultramaria. In The English Rid is implied
that the subject spoken of is a burthen. Whether the Spanish
language affords an aptly correspondent one you know and
I not. In French one might say Ultramare est une
cauchemare – intelligibly I am sure; whether elegantly I
it is beyond my competence to have know.
The more I think of it the more strongly I am compassed
with the importance of an idea arrangement mentioned in my last
namely that in the any commission given to me in regard to the
Civil Code there should be contained the passage by which
to a security is given against all subversion is mention
of proprietary rights. It will not only nip suspicions fears and jealousies
in the bud but such as might otherwise be so naturally
mentioned by the union of so many grounds of suspicion in
my person, namely notorious 1. radicalism – notorious and
avowed in the title page of my Radical Reform Bill. 2. foreignership.
3. heresy, and philosophy but afford such of foremost
such an assurance as a draughtsman acting in the ordinary routine
of the business would not think of furnishing, and therefore
would not furnish.
Admist The
Identifier: | JB/013/068/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 13.
1820-11-15 |
013 |
rid yourselves of ultramaria |
068 |
jb to mora |
001 |
correspondence |
1 |
recto |
d1 / e1 |
jeremy bentham |
[[notes_public::letter 2713, vol. 10; "look to p. 5" [note in colls's hand]]] |
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