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1823. April 10. Aug.
Constit. & Procedure Code
Ch.9 Jury &c.
§ Spontaneously-serving
24 or 1.
Art.1 Spontaneously
serving committee.
1. Parties litigant in
other causes waiting
their twin.
2. Non-litigant witnesses
3. Of parties litigant companions,
Assistance private
or professional, connections
by self-regarding
interest or sympathy
on account private or
4. Non-adult attending
spontaneously, or by di-
Failing Quasi Jurors
others drawable by
either party not of the
Committee of Visitors
the other Party negatory
or challenging.
§. Habilement?
§ Fan Jurors.?
-tude, especially probity,
preponderant inconve-
23 or 13.
Failing every Juror,
Judge addresses Advocates
General, as per
§. Art.
3. By Appeal warranty for
of imprudent Appeal without
pro to security §.14.
4. By statistic effect showing progresses
duties of corroboration
5. Server as a Select of
to all who serve. §.34
or English but with less inconvenience
& and more profit
III. Rationale
Ch. Quasi-Jury
"Pritem" or Gen.l. Observations
Topics extracted from Co
§.1. Legislature - not to establish
but check arbitrary
power - viz. in Judges 1.
§ 2 Advantages of this mode
1. Application it makes of
the power of the Publ. Opin.
Tribunal to retrain the powers of
the Judge within due limits
§.3 Means of check to Publicity.
12.29.30. See 54
§4 Means of check 2. Forcing
reasons and explanations. 13
§.5 Number of Quasi Jurors
§ 6 Place whence. 18.19.21
§ 7. Pay. 24.25.26
§.8 Power of Deputation.27.
III. Rationale.
Ch Quasi Jury
Ch. III Examination RetatedQuasi Jury
S. Judication generally
Judge who 9. 37 Enact or
III. Rationale
Art. 9. Appointment
made on requisition
against the above advantage,
stands the
disadvantage from
mutual dissatisfaction:
danger lest by the
token of party's dissatisfaction,
thence adverse partiality,
be produced in
Judge's to obviate such
uneasiness will be among
the objects of his
band, delay, vexation and expence
or the other.
§.15 Appeal-warranting
1. Danger if no such power.
be given to Quasi Jury small 41
(§.16.2 Security, if such power
be given. 78.79.80
(§17.3. Inconvenience if ap
in all cases power of Appeal
be given to Convicts. 38.
(§18.4. Effect of Appeal what?
1 Appellate grounds itself in Report
? 2. Does it retry
of course? Does it opt make
its option? between the two
courses? 47
§ 19 Appealing warranting
power to Quasi Jury only
not to Visitors. 48
§20 English practice-infers
-only if the security afforded
by it against under punishment.
§21 Advantages of Quasi-
Jury do of English Jury the
standard of comparison
Beneficial effects produced
by it. 49.50.51
§21, As to the whole of that
part of the field of law it
extends to 1. Publicity
58.59.60. See above
23.3. Necessitating Obliging the Judge to
justify his conduct by
statements explanation and reasons. 62.
24 Cases where its beneficial
effects have been produced by
pdecisive power over the
decision these confined to
perial law: cannot chiefly
in debilitating it: 64.65.66
S.25 Anglia necessity for this
arbitrary counter force. 66
III Rationale
Ch Quasi Jury
Judge who. 8. 36 or
III. Rationale
Art.8. Appointment
made spontaneously
by Judge, lest the recapitulatory
be by the same: advantage,
recollection of lights
afforded by the original
examination, especially
as to consistency bet<hi rend="underline">n</hi>
same person's testimony
the first and second time
thence to the Judgement
additional clearness,
correctness and compleatness.
S.31.6. Locator, dited by
sinister interests of Monarchs
S.32.7. Extent of authority jurisdiction
Sinister interests it
unchecked. 89.90. on
S delay and
S.33. In thing in
denying to the people and
power one judicator
to a class rendered by the
power of location and disabuse
sup over the
Operative.? 91.92.93.
Beneficial effect
S 34 Advantages all
of the Quasi Jury System.
Quasi Jury
2 33 or 2
Art.2. Vexation of Quasi
Jurors such as to magnitude
and extent as to preponderate
over the good
by the superior security
for rectitude of decision
Legislature will determine
in what suits
it shall not be called in
Identifier: | JB/034/034/002 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 34.
1823-04-10 |
[[marginal_summary_numbering::24 or 1, 23 or 13, 37 or [sic], 36 or [sic], 33 or 2]] |
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constitutional code; procedure code |
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constitut. & procedure code |
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ch. 9 jury &c |
marginal summary sheet |
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jeremy bentham; john flowerdew colls |
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