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1820 July 31
Emancipation Spanish
Well then – those kinsmen of yours – what is it you want of them? Fellowship Advantage
and that in a tangible shape? mutual advantage? and mutual advantage? There you have see the causes
of it. Would you see the effects of it? the effects in to yourselves,
and this in a tangible shape? Turn to the Anglo-American
Seybert pp p 287 285: he will show you the effects.
Experts from Britain to the thirteen American Colonies, in the last
annual amount on an average of the years 1771, 1772, 1773, being
an average of the three years next before the War made
upon them by the Mother Country, no more than £3,064,843: in in
1784 being the next year after that one which peace
was made and their independence recognized, they already
amounted to a greater sum – £3,389,864: on an average of the
three years 1790, 1791, 1792 to £3,976,211: on an average
of the three years 1798, 1799, 1800, to £6,507,478.
Great Britain England is not Spain. True. But the British English American
Anglo-American Independent United States was, and are, to the same States
in the condition of subject Colonies, as subject to Great England, what the Spanish American
Independent States will, on the supposition in question, be to the same States in the
condition of subject Colonies subject to Spain: worth more
when governed by men chosen by themselves, men knowing whom they
and known to them and knowing them know and to whom they are known – than when governed
by foreigners, residing or sent from a distance: worth
more – not only to themselves, but even to their guardian masters.
True it is that Where there is thus bettered thus by properly aptly-seated government
by and self-government properly seated government
the condition of both parties is thus bettered – true it is that while
seeing your own condition so much bettered, you will see that
of your kinsmen not less so. But let us hope that, being Christmas,
you will not to such a degree hate those whom you are so eager
to govern, that the sense feeling of your own felicity will not
as make amends to you for the sight of theirs.
Note (b)
From the same work – Ao 1817 – Experts of the American
States to the British Dominions, Dollars 43,468,242 pounds sterling £9,779,904:8s , about 977,990,000. These indeed
are not Experts from the quondam Mother Country to the quondam
Colonies. True, but in they are all in relation to these same last
mentioned Experts this is all the information furnished: and this all
is quite sufficient. To The Merchants of one country the Merchants of
another country do not
habitually furnish either goods or
money without receiving
what that which to themselves is not
only of equal, but of
still greater value.
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