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1822 Feb. 20
Codification Offer

No so if under the floral vague generality language
of which are in so large a proportion composed, facing danger of all sorts but the light of
the greatest happiness principle is an to all sent false lights.

By no institution whether whatsoever can the demand
for the bridle thus afforded be superseded. To In the character
of a bridle to here in question of this and of legislation it can not operate any farther than the
rationale by means of which it operates, operates as a
standard of comparison and as a guide. For the guidance
of the people at large, on the occasion in respect of such judgment as
they may be enabled able to form in relation to the aptitude
of any rule of action body of law already actually in force or proposed, nothing
better can each man individual have they as yet but better or other than such crude, incorrect,
incomplete, discordant conceptions as he the finds are extractable
from the existing stock of matter belonging to the several
departments of the field of legislation and government: with
or without the addition of such advice as he can obtain
from others whose conceptions have been drawn from the
same muddy sources: both parties judgments all the while
exposed to the sinister and delusive influence of all
the several fallacies and other instruments of delusion
with which the in its whole extent their field is so abundantly

Compared with a judgment having for its ground with a selection of whatever
is best from all the several proposed Codes with their respective
rationales how vague and ungrounded must be the best most apt
judgment that can be formed by any mind in the present
state of things. Neither for approbation nor for disapprobation
anything like that can be stiled heard a determinant ground: for
forming a judgment to what in relation to the law ought to be, the condition
of mens minds is analogous to that which they are are
in relation to what the law is under the dominion of
that factitious and spurious judge-made of each man the imagination
which goes by the name of or common law.

Identifier: | JB/036/125/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 36.



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jeremy bentham

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