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1822 July 13
Constitut Code

In Let this then be the general rule acted upon in all cases: whatsoever undertaken as
arrangement is adverse to the universal interest is the result of the rulers
of the particular and thence sinister interest of the in the hand of the ruling class.
In few instances indeed if in any will the position be wrong in theory –
and where it is wrong the error will not be productive of any
evil consequence in particular. Not so, if the cause being sinister
interest the effect is ascribed to a new error of the understanding
in a word to to a disorder derangement in the intellectual
part of the machinery. In this case, it is to the
curing men of their error that all your exertion will
be directed: to the changing into f converts the opponents you have
to deal with. Full of this conception You will labouring and labouring on till
you are tired: the adversary while you are labouring, the adversary is laughing in his sleeve.

Another bad consequence. So much for the your adversaries – the
corruptionists. Now for the bystanders, before whom in the character
of members of the Public Opinion Tribunal. Seeing that even in
your opinion, all its hostility notwithstanding, the fault if any
is in the understanding of your adversary not in his will
in the intellectual part of your adversarys frame not in the moral
they can not in their impartial situation cannot think less
favourably of him than you do in your hostilely partial
situation: they along with you, in their expectation of his they will keep looking
for the time when by in consequence of the rectification of his judgment, his
conduct will be rectified, which time the cause of the wrong has
not being in that place will never come. All this while Had the real seat of
the wrong been known to them they might have acted accordingly.
and can they might have acted upon Seeing you the adversary in his true colours, they might have acted
upon hi
joined with you in acting upon him in the only quarter
in which from this time to the end of thence to doomsday he can be ef acted upon with effect,
they have acted upon his fears.

Identifier: | JB/036/139/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 36.



Marginal Summary Numbering

or 7 - or 8



Main Headings

constitutional code rationale

Folio number


Info in main headings field

constitut. code rationale





text sheet

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Page Numbering

b3 / c3


jeremy bentham


j whatman 1819


jeremy bentham

Paper Producer

john flowerdew colls


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Notes public

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