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Click Here To Edit 1822 Novr 8
Constitutional Code

Ch. IX. Ministers collectively
§. 13. 15. Located how.



Art. 24. Enactive and

Art. 26 Art. 24. Enactive and Ratiocinative. In the Army, Sub Department, in so far as regards
command over functionaries in the military branch, vacancies
in a respect of function are in effect filled of course: to wit by the universally &
necessarily established relation between rank and rank: as
to which see ch. X. Defensive force.

Art. 25. Enactive and

Art. 25 Art. 25. Enactive and Ratiocinative. Not so, in so far as regards situations in the non military,
stiled the Commissariat branch: those to wit, by whom,
with relation to the matter of warfare & the matter of subsistence, are exercised
the several functions, procurative, custoditive, applicative
reparative, & eliminative: as to which functions see Ch. IX. §. 3.

Art. 26. Enactive

Art. 26 Art. 26. Enactive. Nor, in so far as regards the command of fortified places.

Art. 27. Enactive and

Art. 27. Art. 27. Enactive and Instructional. So in the Navy Department: in which, in the establishments
of the great great maritime powers, in so far as regards the
matter of subsistence the above functions, as per Art. 23, are
in each ship, commonly commonly exercised by a single functionary stiled the Purser.

Art. 28. Enactive

Art. 28. Art. 28. Enactive In the Foreign Relation Sub department, at each
Missionary Station, as on the incapacity or absence, so on the death, of the
principal functionary, his functions will be exercised by a Depute of his
as per ch. VIII. Prime Minister. §. 4. Power of Deputation. Self-suppletive function: Failing such Depute,
if an established Subordinate of the principal's is on the spot, under
a denomination, for example such as that of Secretary of Legation, such Subordinate
will, for the time, except in case of special provision to the contrary,
succeed as if located by a temporarily initiative Locator, as above, Art. 22

Art. 29. Enactive

Art. 29. Art. 29. Enactive. On a vacancy in the situation of Vice Consul, by the Consul will the
function of temporarily initiative Locator be exercised.

Art. 30. Instructional

Art. 30. Art. 30. Instructional In what stations, & on what footings, the power of deputation shall
be exercised by a Vice Consul, the Legislature, having regard to distance
and to the state of Society in the foreign nation in each case, will

Identifier: | JB/039/068/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 39.



Marginal Summary Numbering

not numbered



Main Headings

constitutional code

Folio number


Info in main headings field

constitutional code




enactive and ratiocinative / enactive and ratiocinative / enactive / enactive and instructional / enactive / enactive / instructional


copy/fair copy sheet

Number of Pages




Page Numbering

e8 / f51


john flowerdew colls; richard doane


j whatman turkey mill 1824


jeremy bentham

Paper Producer

jonathan blenman


jeremy bentham

Paper Produced in Year


Notes public

ID Number


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