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Click Here To Edit 1824. May Nov. 6
Constitutional Code.

Ch. IX. Ministers collectively
§. 13. 15. Located how.


39 52

Art. 31. Enactive

Art. 19. 21. In the case of a situation in respect of Art. 26 Art. 31. Enactive. 31 Of the locative function the mode of exercise,
which a Minister is Locator, a provisional or proposed is as follows. By the initiative Locator Minister, he bring the
Location instrument having been prepared by him, will initiative Locator, an appropriate Location instrument is prepared and
be presented by him to By law conveyed to the Office of the Prime Minister. After the
lapse of [ ] days exclusive, reckoned from the day
of it's being received in that Prime Minister's office, such
proposed instrument will effective the location will have become confirmed; (a) unless under
the signature of the Prime Minister, an Location Instrument
in correspondent form locating some other candidate Locable, or an order, suspending
the effect of such proposed such above location, has in the
mean time in the office of that same Minister, been received.
In respect of the Office in question the Minister or, accordingly not
simply 22. absolutely Locable, but only provisional Locables, as above

Art. 17 Instead of a person, proposed for

Art. 32. Enactive
and ratiocinative

Art. 32. Art. 32. Enactive and ratiocinative. location by a Minister, the Prime Minister may, as
Art. 32. In case of any such substitution
per any other person, by whom
reasons and the consequent location will be
as per But, in such case

reasons for the rejection, and the consequent location will be
reasons for such preferences will be expected:
expected: if none are given by him, the conclusion,
of the Public opinion Tribunal, and of the Legislature,
will be — that he can find no more to give none can be found.

Art. 18. 23. The Legislature will determine, whether,
in any and what subdepartments, any and what offices
may respectively have for initiative provisional Locator,
as above, a functionary in any and what grade,
other than that of Minister: as above: and, in each instance,
whether in the Prime Minister, in the Minister, or in
any and what inferior functionary, the power of eventual
substitution, as per Art.
17. 22. shall be lodged. To the
Army Service and the Navy service sub Departments
in particular, as per Ch. X. §.3 and 4, its will attention will, on this occasion,
have be part be more particularly directed

Note (a)
(a) N.B. On this occasion, the Rationale will have to speak of this sort of expeditive
arrangement as generally applicable, for remedy to the practice of indeterminate
and indefinite suspension, thro' negligence or indecision:
a practice, pregnant with distress to all individuals interested,
as well as indefinite public mischief. Apply it also to Appeals. See Ch. XXIII. Appellate Judges Judicatories. Refer to Morn.g Chronicle 27 May 1824, mentioning
Secretary Canning's indefinite suspension of an Ordinance of the EastIndia Direction, in the Debate of the 26th.

Art. 27.

Identifier: | JB/039/069/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 39.



Marginal Summary Numbering

not numbered



Main Headings

constitutional code

Folio number


Info in main headings field

constitutional code




enactive / enactive and ratiocinative / note (a)


copy/fair copy sheet

Number of Pages




Page Numbering

e9 / f52


john flowerdew colls


j whatman turkey mill 1824


jeremy bentham

Paper Producer

jonathan blenman


jeremy bentham

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Notes public

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