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1824. April 30
Constitutional Code

Evil 2. By means of this same cor corruptive influence, supposing
Evil 2. Establishing or strengthening a system of corruptive the of concurrence maximization of evil not produced as above, still a mass of evil
influenced lodged in the hands of the Chief of the Executive Department still accumulating – waste peculation, embezzlement, oppression – the result of
continually increasing inaptitude in all shapes on the part of the functionaries
subject to its operation: namely in all functionaries situations belonging to the Administrative Department: and through them on those belonging to the Legislative.

If the Supposing the other tutelary features of the Constitution
sufficient in spite of the here supposed source of evil sufficiently
efficient powerful to for exclude evil by corruption in the substantive
degree, it would could not at any rate be sufficient to prevent
the operating of the person in such sort as to produce evil
in all imaginable shapes in subordinate inferior degrees: in greater
or less abundance less apt or all power unapt functionaries in various departments:
wasteful management, peculation, embezzlement: oppression
of the less influential by the more influential: and
so on.

To a man a Dukedom who to £150,000
a year added already a Dukedom,
an offer of £50,000
for himself, or of a
sinecure of income to
equal value for a son of his
might be rejected, and with
unaffected contempt. To the
same man hold up a garter,
he will strain every
nerve to reach it, and do
whatsoever is required of
him for by the hand that
will place it within his

By a bait in this extraordinary and refined shape functionaries are may be caught
and hung – in situations instances in which they could not have
been caught by any thing bait in so ordinary and coarse a shape
as that of money or openly purchaseable money's worth in any quantity
which could be afforded for the purpose.

3. Evil 3. Forming an aristocratical body of men possessing
a particular and sinister interest of its own, adverse to the
universal interest, and continually seeking labouring for its own advancement
at the expence and by the sacrifice of the universal interest: namely
by the extension of misrule in all imaginable shapes, as per Evil No 2.

Of this body the members would be the several individuals
on whom those instruments of factitious honor had been conferred.
These would of course be those by from the gaining of whom the particular
and sinister interest of their common patrons would in his eyes
be receive most advancement: the functionaries whose situation clothed in most given power
the among non functionaries those preeminent in opulence, or in influence
derived from other sources. By the perception of their common sinister
interest they would in proportion as known to each other be
attracted towards one another: and by those marks they were
for making each of them known to every other in a moment of time their marks would
in either of those two shapes, that of a title or that of a badge be sufficient.

If not in name, in effect in all those would be so many Lords. But
Idiosyncrasy and particular and accidental causes of antipathy
or jealousy or envy excepted out of the question, so every Lord every other is an
object of affection sympathy and respect, every non-Lord an object of antipathy
and contempt.

The A rich man as such possess possesses in proportion to the degree of opulence
the faculty of oppressing and doing injury with impunity injury in various shapes to those less opulent than
himself. Like every other
transferrable purchasable good thing,
by the rich the matter of
good in this shape would
be obtainable in larger
proportion than by the less
opulent: thus they by in the hands of those who had already would have too much the power of oppressing and injuring would by this means receive encrease.

Identifier: | JB/039/132/001
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constitutional code

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jeremy bentham


j whatman turkey mill 1824


jeremy bentham

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