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1824. April 30
Constitutional Code

Question. The persons concerned as accomplices in the manufacture
and utterance of false currency in this shape, in what way respects would
they be distinguishable from those concerned in the manufacture
and utterance of false currency in the shape of money, or paper
passing for money? Answer: Be By the following particulars. 1. the superior magnitude of which the act
produced by them derives as derived from the extent in which it has place the number
of the persons defrauded injured by the fraud being the whole number of those from
whom any such regard or respect is extracted: by the irresistibleness
of the means of deceit employed – the irresistible force of the
of deceit by the magnitude of the profit, and by the compleatness of the impunity engaged by all classes of the malefactor.
of all classes

Of disintellectualization on the part of the members of any community a more substantially extensively pernicious effect can not
easily be assigned found than the taking for friend a class of patrons and benefactors
a class composed of their natural and irreconciliable

Evil 9. Disintellectualization. Depravation of intelligence
diminution of appropriate intellectual aptitude with reference to the maximization
of the universal happiness as above, on the part authority of the members of
the community at large: on the part instance of all those who being deceived
by the fraud pay do, in the shape of regard and respect of the of founder itself without
and of this false currency as for pay
and pay accordingly
that tribute which is so perfectly overdue.

Of the sort of instrument of this decript by the operation of which the deceit is accomplished the potency is as extraordinary
as it is irresistible. Incapable of opposing to it a compleatly effectual
resistance is the strongest understanding the neat clearest strongest judgment paid and
supported by the most abundant knowledge. Defying the power of the understanding
it operates through the imagination which it has seduced and .
At the sound of a word such as Lord though employed in speaking of a a man who is in his estimation no better than a vandal, at the sight of a badge
such as a a bound ribbon or a though on the back of a man who
in his estimation in no better cases is a scandal – the man who from his infancy has been
bred in the habit of paying this degrading tribute can no man refrain forbear
from paying it them nor yet so easily as the same man could
forbear paying giving money to a ruffian who should it demand it with
a cocked pistol in contact with his breast: is there a man whose
case in like manner had from infancy been pursued by stories of Ghosts
or could forbear being tormented with the idea of them in a state
of solitary darkness nocturnal solitude.

Identifier: | JB/039/137/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 39.



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constitutional code

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constitutional code





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jeremy bentham



jeremy bentham

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