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1824. May 12
Constitutional Code

The will by which the particular and sinister interest of the patron
– his humour which is but another word for the interest of the
are served – of these acts will be composed the road
to the patron's furore the most manifestly direct and sure road to the patrons
In the patrons
and thence of necessity the most beaten road.

But the interest of the patron whoever he may be
the is a particular and sinister interest at all times acting in
direct opposition and hostility to the universal interest:
at the expence of the rest of the community it is his
because it is the disposition of almost every man
by the unchangeable constitution of human nature to accumulate
within his own reach the objects of universal
desire in every one of their shapes: such is his disposition
and by the supposition to this disposition is added the part
and that to an amount not equalled with instance of
any other member of the community: and wheresoever no sooner
in any instance do are the disposition and the power confined much
in the same person individual than the act and its effect follow
of course. The interest of the patron being in this state of
opposition to the universal interest, so will all other par the
interest disposition and conduct, of all aspirants to those
marks and fruits of his favour sympathy and of his favorable regard
his particular and sinister interest is a standard to which
all those particular interests flock of course: particular which
by this means become are rendered in this additional and extraordinary
manner and degree sinister interesting, bringing favours
flattery adulationthose acts of the description, by which while so much
disgust is produced in the minds of those who do not share
in the benefit of them, no real evil is produced – but on the contrary
abstraction made of all naturally concomitant and consequent ill effect, so
much pure and positive good – all these every thing are but symptoms of that
disease by the other symptom
of which the real evil is produced:
namely the injury
the oppression in all shapes
to those by over on whom his coercive power is exercised.

Identifier: | JB/039/145/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 39.



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constitutional code

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Info in main headings field

constitutional code





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jeremy bentham


j whatman turkey mill 1824


Paper Producer

jonathan blenman


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