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1824. June 20 July 30
Constitutional CodeCh. XV. Judge Deputes occasional
§. 3. §. 3. Remuneration

This reason : cultivation the name of the principles

Of the article all the articles necessary and desirable together in the
Stipendiary branch the only as exceptions in the Radical Branch are
1. No . 2. . For more exercise, rendered
or in default of those of in charge,
with or without coin for remittance in weight might suffer. though
no accounts desirable: can not be stated as indispensable, desirable
namely for conformity distinguishing the from the most
and for lightness or to avoid intending by disgust such comparatively
opulent person who would otherwise would voluntarily serves. For Of this latter
account might be imposed on those by whom the benefit
is reaped.

☞ Here or under II. Stipendiaries?

Rule. Between the of rank and of
Between condition rank and condition rank, render the difference
in respect of comfort in all shapes as small as possible.
Reasons. 1. As between one individual and individual, who the loss
by inequality
shape and degree of inequality given, the loss suffering
by that inequality, to him the one who has least, is greater than the
gain surfeit to him who has most. 2. The gainers are the
few; the losers, the many: the net suffer loss is multiplied by the
number of the sufferers.

N.B. This applies to ever not only to every situation in every
Official Establishment but to every condition in life.

Note ( )
Let England here again be a warning to the civilized world. In the Judicatories
calling themselves Courts of Equity but more particularly the Chancery
the factitious length to which the examinations are drawn out by
this cause sinister profit, is not the least efficient of the causes of that delay by which
those Judicatories are stand distinguished f above all others. In the Chancery
in particular the abuse in this shape has acquired such a degree is matter of such notoriety
of intensity as would draw its supporters as would long ago have drawn out of their situations all overwhelmed with
just merited reproach, all concerned in the practices or in support of it,
shame, if power, impunity and rapacity did not
so effectually steel men against shame. A sort of under Judges called Masters pay themselves
thus by the hour, sit or do not sit, themselves
the whole or some small part of the time. and that By three appointments
made for three
distant days, it would
not only be a loss to the
practisers on both sides,
but an affront injury to the
master, and the Master's
Maser, if the two first
were ever kept.
If when in such a state
of things complaint
of abuse could ever be made by any of the thousands who are ruined by it, the only man to whom it could be made
is the man who derives the greatest profit by it: the Chancellor
who gives to any man he pleases this faculty of irresistible and unpunishable
pillage: the man by whom all those Masters twelve in number, are
all appointed: all with
enormous salaries, over and above what is thus pocketed.

the Note continued
Complaint of delay having
at length burst forth,
to hush it up, to Commissioners
have been appointed.
and by whom appointed?
By the very person who
if there be blame is the
sole author of it. But
under the matchless Constitution,
so has it been at
all times, throughout the
whole of the Official Establishment.
So sure as
theft has been committed,
so here is it that of a
show of redress has been
made it is by the thieves
themselves that the Judges
have been named.

Time in abundance
is thrown away in the upon
practice of such subterfuges.
Those who are
patients under them would
be no less so, if those
who practice thus
were to throw away that
much, and declare
themselves absolute.
True it may be that by
in some shape or other of
every such subterfuge
indeed yields encrease of
pillage. But, whosoever
wants the money might
as well take it without
account: and thus more
time would be saved.
What can any of them
have to fear? Were not
the right established in
the case of the first Lord
Melville. If not the present
Chancellor, who else was it
that, on that occasion put
into the Bill the chance for
preventing the culprit from
being convicted by out of his own
evidence? mouth.

Identifier: | JB/041/076/001
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Constitutional Code

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Constitutional Code




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