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1823 Sept. 7
Constitutional Code

Of the of this fraction of a Judicature, the unfitness with reference
for to the purpose for which it was intended has already been
brought to view: and therewith the weakness under its present structure which it can not but
into every system of Judicial procedure by adjective and substantive together of which it is admitted to
form a part. Of the weakness one effect is to diminish the security of
individuals against the enterprizes of the unauthorized and resistible
class of malefactors. But another effect is – to weaken the effective
force of the self-authorized and irresistible class: that force which
but for a counterforce of or other would never could in
the nature of things stop in its career till it had plunged the
whole body of the people into an abyss of misery: till it had
reduced for example the people of England and Scotland with all
their dependencies to a state of misery still more deplorable even
than that to which the people of Ireland already been reduced
by the unrelenting and influence of the same endeavours.
While Juries what they no such reduction could by
possibility be made in the number of forgeries, thefts, robberies day housebreaking
and night housebreaking, and for
or to a certainty might be made by the help of a non apt
instrument system of judicial machinery. But it is to this relative example
tied on the part of Juries that the law, real and factitious
that has been made for the introduction of despotism and irremedial
depredation and oppression be a boundless extent an for
this prudent weakness, and the people for whatsoever degree
of security the people yet possess against boundless evil from that source,
in particular for the of rulers to give full effect to that
portion of law which has for its object the by
divulgation of the to impunity to all malefactors
the of the irresistible class in respect of the depredation and oppression
the free unlimited exercise of which is the object to which their unceasing advances
have at all times been admitted.

Identifier: | JB/041/186/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 41.



Marginal Summary Numbering




Main Headings

Constitutional Code

Folio number


Info in main headings field

Constitutional Code





Text sheet

Number of Pages



"Recto" is not in the list (recto, verso) of allowed values for the "Rectoverso" property.

Page Numbering

A42 / C17 / C5 / D42




Jeremy Bentham

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Notes public

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