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1827 May 10
Procedure Code

Ch. 1. All embracing Arrangements

(2 §.1. Uses of this Chapter

Art. 5 4
3 So to the defendant — of
his obligations to render
the service demanded by
pursuer, & of his rights
for the purpose of exemption
from such service.

3. So In the same compass every person who in the capacity
of defendants has been called upon either to submitt consent to
render and accordingly to render the Service demanded at his
charge by the pursuer, or to shew cause why that same
obligation should not be imposed upon him — will in like manner
behold his field within which are contained the description of his obligations
in that capacity and the rights conferred on him, for the purpose of exempting
him from the burthen of rendering the service in question or the supposition of it in the event
of its not being done.

Art. 6
4 So to the legislators of
the means of giving
execution & effect to his
arrangements & thence of
the probability of the
accomplishment of his
wishes & endeavours.

4. So in the same compass will the legislator behold
the means employed for giving execution and effect to the already existing legislative arrangements the enactment
in the the making of which he had had, and of those future contingent ones in which
he has been in contemplation to take a share: and therein and
thereby the degree of the probability that his wishes and endeavours
on that behalf will to a greater or less extent receive their

In the next subsection of this Section

(From this In this all comprehensive all-embracing portion of the compass of the
discourse contained in this Volume)

Art. 7.
In the next subsection
will be a list of the genera generalissima with indication
of the places where
the matter they embrace is

In the next Subsection of this Section will be seen
the whole list of the genera generalissima — the denomination of
more extensive import by the aggregate of which the whole remainder
of the matter contents contained in this the present work that is to say of
the present Volume stands imprest and on the occasion of
each such genera generalissima indication will be afforded
of the places in which the matter embraced and designated by
it may be seen expressed.

Identifier: | JB/055/026/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 55.



Marginal Summary Numbering

Art 5 - Art 7



Main Headings

Procedure Code

Folio number


Info in main headings field

Procedure Code





Text sheet

Number of Pages




Page Numbering

D2 / E2




George Bentham

Paper Producer


Paper Produced in Year

Notes public

ID Number


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