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1827 May 10
Procedure Code

Ch All-embracing Arrangements Instruments
(2 §.2. Enumeration and explanation

Art. 4
4 Things concerned —
in the shape of instruments.
Things animated
are, as such, operators, but
for the purpose of judicial
procedure can be considered
in no other shape than
that of instruments.

4. Things concerned in Judicial procedure. The only
capacity in which they will fall to be considered is that of
instruments. Things animated or say in one word animate,
are as such agents, or say actors or operators: but on the
occasion or say for the purpose of judicial procedure they
will not fall
the only capacity in which they a thing will fall to
be considered is that of instruments to wit in the hands of
pers: and in this case the idea meant to be conveyed will
not be encumbered by any such deceptive additament as
in the other case.

On the occasion of communication,
things animated
are instrumentary agents

On the occasion of the sort of operation styled communication
animated things will f come under consideration in the capacity of instruments
or say instrumentary agents thereof employed in the course [of that same operation]

On every occasion They may be considered
as passive subject matters
of operation

So In the capacity of passive subject matters of operation
they will fall to be considered on the occasion of every mode of
operation which herein after will fall to be considered.

Art 5
5 Operations of persons
viz 1 of actors on the judicial
theatre 2 of other
persons at large

5. Operations. The operations which in the course of the
system of judicial procedure will fall to be considered except as per No 4 are the operations
of persons. These persons will be either

Operations 1. at large 2.
exhibiting discourseal instruments
viz: 1 Personal 2 Real
3 Personal & Real

1. The persons considered as actors in the theatre of
or say the judicial theatre, as per Constitutional Code Ch. XII Judiciary collectively:
§. 2. Actors &c

2. Other person at large

For the of 1. Operations at large. 2. Operations by the performance
of which so many instruments discoursal instruments instruments
of discourse held by one or other of the aforementioned sorts of actors in the judicial theatre or other persons
at large are exhibited.

Art. 6
6 Instruments viz
1 Personal where a person
is employed by another person
as an instrument for the
production of an effect
2 Real where a thing is
so employed

6. Instruments For [+] [+] 1. Personal. 2. Real
3. Personal and Real
or say of a
To Under one or other of the heads following
will be found to belong seem to come the several instruments which will
fall to be considered in the system of judicial procedure

1 By a personal instrument understand a person employed in
by some other person the capacity of the instrument in or towards the production of a
certain effect or say in the attainment of a certain end: an effect
by the production of which a correspondent end is said to be attained,
or say fulfilled, compassed or accomplished.

2. By a real instrument a thing so employed as

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Marginal Summary Numbering

Art 4 - Art 6



Main Headings

Procedure Code

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Info in main headings field

Procedure Code





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D4 / E2




George Bentham

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