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1827. May 10
Procedure Code

Ch. I. All-embracing Arrangements
(8 §.2 Enumeration & Explanation

Art 26
V. Probation — Evidence
the application of
a person occupied or capable
of being occupied in the
performance of probation
See Constit. Code.

5. Probation. Person whose operation thus is capable of being by whom this operation is performed

5. Probation. Evidence-holder is the appellation by which
a person considered as occupied or capable of being occupied in the
performance of this operation may be designated. As to Evidence
holders and Evidence, see Constit. Code Ch. VI. Legislature. §.27. Legislative
Enquiry Judicatory.

Art 27.
Probation performed
1 by Evidence exhibition
2 by Evidence elicitation

Probation is performed by Evidence exhibition with or
without Evidence elicitation

Art 28.
In some cases applicant
is an evidence holder without
application made to him for
the purpose even by the Judge

The In some cases the applicant whether suitor pursuer
or not being an Evidence-holder is the becomes an Evidence exhibitor
without application made to him for that purpose by any other
person, not even by the Judge, he himself exhibits evidence for himself.

Art 29.
In this case his discourse
is I. Allegational 2 Probational
By allegation
expression is given to his
demand, be proof to the
grounds on which the
demand is made — or say
to the title on which his
right to make the demand
is grounded

In this case in the discourse uttered by him two different
parties require to be distinguished: namely 1. the allegational
parties, say in a word the allegation. 2. the probative parties or
say evidence exhibiting parties — say in a word the evidence
or say proof. By the allegation the demand expression is given to
the demand in which the a suit or other application originates.

By the proof expression is given to the ground on which the demand
is made, or say to the title on which his right to make the demand
of the judicial service in question at the hands of the Judge
is grounded, the title which it has for its ground

Art 30
To compleat this title subject
matters of probation two
viz 1 Applicants title as
to law 2 his title as to fact

To constitute and compleat this title or say this ground he
probative in relation to his correspondent subject matter of probation is necessary
namely 1. the applicants title in respect of law and his title
in respect of fact.

Art 31
Probation as to law performed
by indication of the
portion of the Pannomium
conferring the right entitling
the person in applicant situation to the subject
matter of such their demands

The operation by which probation proof in respect of law is performed
is that by which indication is afforded given of some portion
of the pannomium or say bo aggregate body of the law (substantive
branch or adjective branch) requiring or authorizing the Judge to render
to a service of the sort of that individual one which is the subject
matter of the demand. The

Art 32
Probation as to fact by exhibition
of grounds for believing
that a fact has had place belonging
to the class of facts referred
to in the portion in question
of the Pannomium.

The operation by which probation is respect of fact is performed
is that by which exhibition is made of reason or say ground more adequate or more or less
less appertaining to adequate
or exhibit for believing that
some one individual fact has
place of things
or has had place belongs
to that sort of fact to
which the will and act of
the legislation has given the
ab been intended to give
and has given accordingly
the abovementioned effect.

☞ Go on to exemplify by exhibition of rights; and wrongs with the correspondent offences and remedies.

Identifier: | JB/055/034/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 55.



Marginal Summary Numbering

Art 26 - Art 32



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Procedure Code

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Procedure Code





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D10 / E8




George Bentham

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