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1827. May 11
Procedure Code

Ch. I. All-embracing Arrangements Statements
(10 § 2 Enumeration and Explanation

Art 37
VII Recordation By this
operation alone can probation
be rendered permanently
& adequately available

67. Recordation or say Registration By this operation can the product
of the last mentioned operation to wit probation be rendered permanently
and adequately available to the purpose of defensible Judication

Art 38
So likewise by this alone
can any matter be rendered
fit to be taken for the
subject matter of communication

So likewise, by this operation alone can any matter be
produced in a state of fit and apt to be taken for the subject
matter of the next and last mentioned operation, to wit communication.
Comparatively speaking Eminently and manifestly unfit for comments is
all discourse other than such the time and the purpose of which
is fixt by the exercise given to that art the universality
of which is so indispensable to correspondent intellectual improvements

Art 39
In two modes may the
result of
recordation require
to be performed. 1. Recordation
of facts known to registrar
without intervention of
other individuals 2. Minutation viz Recordation
of facts assertions
made orally by some other
person. See Const Code
Minutation how

Note that the Forms Note, that For different forms/modes there are in both which, according to the occasion
the produce of the act of recordation or say registration requires to be
exhibited produced. Mode the first consigning to writing facts which without
the intervention of any other individual uttering assertions in the character
of a witness have in virtue of his office come within the
knowledge or supposed knowledge perception or supposed perception of the Registrar. Mode the second
committing to writing assertions made by audible and orally
delivered signs by some person other than such Registrar:
Minutation is in this case the appellation by which the
operation is designated. As to this see Const. Code Ch XXII
Immediate Judiciary Registrars §.5. Minutation how

Art 40
Note the distinction between
oral evidence transformed
into written evidence by
minutation, and ready
written evidence. The
inferiority of ready written
evidence consists in its'
not having been subjected
to the scrutiny of counter-interrogation
See Ch.

By the Now here a distinction that requires to be made. By
the proof of registration operation say in respect of the continuity of it the the a visible and manually produced and
permanent signs are substituted to the audible, orally produced and
evanescent ones: and thus is constituted one species of written evidence.
But another species there is which in respect of probative form
is in some of its modification very different from and very inferior
to this: understand this is that sort of evidence which before its exhibition
has already been consigned to the written form: say in one word ready
written evidence. The A principal circumstance by which its inferiority is constituted
is — that of its not having been subjected to the scrutiny of contra-interrogation.
To this sometimes it may, it is true, be subjected after it has
has been so produced — after
it has been writ committed
to writing. But still, as will
be seen in its proper place
be seen its probative form
will be in some cases fail
of being equal to that which it
would have had had its it been elicited in the first instance in the oral mode in the first instance. As to this mode see Ch. Evidence.

Identifier: | JB/055/036/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 55.



Marginal Summary Numbering

Art 37 - Art 40



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Procedure Code

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Procedure Code





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George Bentham

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