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1827. May 11
Procedure Code

Ch. I. All-embracing Arrangements Statements
§.2. Enumeration & Explanation.

7. Communication.

Art 41
VII Communication — a subsidiary
or adjective operation —
depending for its
existence on other operations
to which it is subsidiary

7. Communication. This, as will be seen, is an operation of
the subsidiary or say adjective kind — of by itself incapable of having
existence place depending on for its existence on other operations to the
performance and efficiency of which it is subsidiary and for the
most part necessary.

Art 42
Those other operations are
all the above mentioned particularly
probation & execution

These other operations are 1. Probation 2. Execution
the several before mentioned operations, but more particularly probation
and execution.

Art 43
Operators two in this case
two call them with relation
to each other Intercommunicants
one the transmittent
the other the

As every other operation supposes an operator so does this.
But this in this not one operator only but two are does the in this case
supposed: supposed not only in the nature of the case, as in
those other cases but in the description which this denomination gives
of it: call them in relation to each other Intercommunicators
or Intercommunicants: one of them the transmitter or say transmittant, the other the
other the receiver or say the recipient.

Art 44
Intercommunicants either
in contiguity with each
other or not. When not
a middle person is necessary
Of denominations of this
middle person Examples
1 Messenger 2 Porter 3 Carrier
4 Postman &c

In where at the time of the communication made
either the intercommunicants are in cohort contiguity with with each other, or they are
not: if not, they are distant remote from each other at a distance more
or less considerable. In this latter case, the intervention of another
person a middleman as in some cases the name is, is necessary
According to his grade/circumstances in the scale of deputy This intracedent person receives different denomination say for instance Messenger
Carrier Porter. Carrier. Postman.

Art 45
He may be a functionary
permanently located
in a permanent ministerial
function or not He
may be subordinate to and
subject to the directive function
of Interior communication
Minister, but
for Judicial purposes he
must also be subject to
the Judge's directive power.

He may be a Judiciary functionary located for the purpose in
a permanent ministerial situation or not: he may be his
place his Official situation may for example be in subordination to and subject to
the directive function of the Interior Communication Minister. But
for his ensuring being subservient in a compleat perfect degree the purpose service of the Judiciary
Department he can not be to that purpose unless he be also subject to the directive
function power of the Judge.

Art 46
Intercommunicants may
be not only Judicial
functionaries of all grades
but all other actors on
the Judicial theatre or

For one purpose or another, intercommunicants may be not only
all judicial functionaries of all grades but all other of the Actors, in the Judicial domain in the in the Judicatory theatre or elsewhere

Identifier: | JB/055/037/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 55.



Marginal Summary Numbering

Art 41 - Art 46



Main Headings

Procedure Code

Folio number


Info in main headings field

Procedure Code





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George Bentham

Paper Producer

Jonathan Blenman


Paper Produced in Year


Notes public

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