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Mexico — Real Tribunal del Consulado

Un oidor de la Real
Audiencia Juez de

Sr. D Franco de la Cotera
Sr. D. Jn Igno Gonzalez
Vertiz Consul Primero
Sr. D. Iturbide
de la Real y distinguida
orden de Carlos 3 y teniente
Coronel de Regimiento
Urbano de aquel
Comercio Consul 2o
Lic. D. Franco Soto Carrillo
Asesor 1o
Jose Gonzz de Castañada
Asesor 2o
Lic. D. Luis Gonzz Ibarrola
Secretario del Rey——
y Escribano mayor del Tribunal.
El. Lic. D. Franco Igno
Soto Carrillo Contador
Juan de Jauregui
Oficial Mayor
Joaquin de Aguilar
Jacinto Sanchez Girado
Apoderado en la Corte

Dias en que entran
y salen los Correos de
esta Capital

Los Lunes por la
noche llega el Correo
general de todo el
Reyno, y se reparten
las correspondencias
los Martes por la Mañana,
y salen los Miercoles
a las diez de la noche.

Los Jueves entran los
de las carreras principales
de Vera Cruz
Valadolid, y tierra adentro,
hasta San Luis de
Potosi, Guadalajara
y Durango: se reparten
los Viernes por la mañana
y salen los Sabados a las
diez de la noche

Las conducciones pasan
las carreras de Jultupen
Acapulco Tulacingo
Zamipan y Zacatlan
quedan semanarias
como antes

---page break---

El correo pasa Goatemala
sale de Oaxaca
los primeros dias de
cada mes y las correspondencias
de esta
capital deben salir
con cinco dias de
anticipación pasa
que llegan lleguen
con oportunidad

Observer 4 Decr 1808
Yesterday Dispatches
were recd from Honduras
which announce that
the Govt of Yucatan had
adopted the example of
Mexico &c & proclaimed
Ferdinand the VII. He
ordered at the same
time hostilities against
France & a revival of
the most friendly intercourse
with the English.

Ib. The Madrid Gazette
of the 15th contains three
different proclamations –
one from the Govt of Porto
Rico, dated July 30th, one
from the Govt of Campeche
of the same date; as
also one from the Marquis
of Somaruelos date Havannah
the 8th of Augst,
& it appears also by
an article date Havannah
Aust 31st, that
Ferdinand the VII had
been triumphantly proclaimed
King in Vera
Cruz, the authority of El
Supreme Junta of Sevilla
universally acknowledged
with joy, & that at Mexico
they had followed
the same example.

Times 6 Dec. 1808. Govr
have we understand recd
accounts which state gt
ye people of Mexico most
cordially sympathize in
the cause of the Patriotic
Spaniards and have resolved
to make every effort to supply
them with money & every
resource which it is in
their power to command.

Times 12 Dec. 1808
Accounts from Vera Cruz
state that a French
gallion havg arrived there
with dispatches from Joseph
Bonaparte to the Govt &
inhabitants rose in insurrection,
burnt the
dispatches & ye vessel which
brought them. The French
Messenger & ye crew of the
gallion were put into Prison,
& it was with great difficulty
ye Govr protected them from
ye violence of the people.

---page break---

Times 24 Novr 1808
New York 26 Sept. 1808
The Brig Holler Hollcar
arrived at this Port
on Saturday has brought
late papers from New
Orleans. Govr Folch has
issued a proclamation
to the people of Florida,
declaring in favour of
Ferdinand VII. It is
couched in the most
energetic language, &
breathes a spirit of the
most determined hostility
to Buonaparte....

In Mexico a similar
spirit prevails. The
corporation have offered
fourteen millions of
Dollars as a present
to the Patriots, for the
purpose of aiding them
in carrying on the war
against France. p

Times 1 Dec. 1808
Late advices from Mexico
have been received which
state, that intelligence
of the glorious resistance
of the Spanish nation have
been received & that King
Ferdinand had been proclaimed
there with universal
exultation. The Govt
of that Colony is said to
have come to a formal
resolution, to indemnify
Gt Britain for any expenses
she might incur
in assisting the Mother

Tillochs Philosl Mag
Nov 1808 p. 190.
Dublin Society –
A letter dated Manchester
& signed John Bradbury,
was laid before the
Society at their late meeting
stating that the Proprietor
of the Liverpool Botanic
Garden has resolved
on forming an establishment
at New Orleans
America, with a view
to collect the plants of
Kentucky & Louisiana
& to transmit to Engld
living duplicates of ye
plants which shd be so
collected & multiplied on
such establishment...

---page break---

The Govr Genl of Mexico
D. Jose Yturrigary
issued an Order in March
1805 to the Inhabitants
of Vera Cruz, commanding
them to depart with all
their moveable property,
the moment advices might
be received of any military
expedition direct from
England or our West
Indian Islands. Application
was made immediately
to the Viceroy
for Two thousand Stand of
Arms Swords &c which
he peremptorily denied as
inconsistent with the
policy of Spain, to arm
its Citizens, & the nature
of the Orders he had received
from his Sovereign. The
remonstrance read to
Monsr Yturrigary is
very energetic, and
bitterly inveighs against
the distrust manifested
by the Mother Country,
which proves the Spanish
Cabinet are apprehensive
of some meditated change
throughout South America

Times 10 Dec 1808
Kingston Sep. 10 – The
Rein brig of 18 Guns Captn
Douglas arrives the same
day from Vera Cruz –
The Schooner Lady left
Vera Cruz on ye 2d Ult &
brings information of a
Felucca had arrived there
from Cadiz on the 28 July
under a passport from 2d
Collingwood, with the intelligence
of the Revolution in
Spain, & of ye formation of a
provisional Govt at Seville
on which occasion the inhabitants
of La Vera Cruz
illuminated their houses
three successive nights. The
populace had proceeded to
break open the doors of
several houses belonging to
Frenchmen, & maltreated
their persons: but the
Governor interfered in their
behalfs by placing their
property under a guard
& sending them into the
interior until the populace
shd subside.

Identifier: | JB/060/008/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 60.


Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

Folio number


Info in main headings field

vera cruz & mexico information from guia de commerciantes




mexico / observer 4 decr 1808 / times 6 dec 1808 / times 12 dec 1808 / times 24 novr 1808 / times 1 dec 1808 / tillochs philosl mag nov 1808 / times 10 dec 1808



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john herbert koe


th 1806


Paper Producer

andre morellet


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Notes public

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