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J.B. to Bernadino Rivadavia Secretary of State at Buenos Ayres

1822 June 13 14 15

Dear Sir,
The inclosed in English will speak for itself.
It is not for your reading, that I send it in Spanish likewise. The
uncertainty of communications considered, duplicates already have been endeavoured
to be conveyed to you through another channel. Duplicates —
I mean of the printed papers in question, not of this letter. The Pen
being on the paper, I cannot let slip the occasion of giving some short expressingon to
you the gratification afforded me, by such scattered information as
our Newspapers have conveyed to my ears (for it is by my ears only
that I am able to read) on the subject of your administration. What
more particularly struck me is, the magnanimity & true sense of
national as well as universal interest, displayed by the footing putting as far as depends upon laws and of all nations upon
the same footing in respect of commerce. It forms a striking
contrast with the course which I have the mortification to see
taken by two infant new states of your juniors, viz Peru, under an invading General
who styles himself its the self styled Protector, & Mexico, under we know not as
yet, whom or what; or whence of Colombia, (though under that on that this head, we know
not as yet of any thing that has been, as yet if any thing has been determined) of Colombia, under on
this head as on under on every other, we have better hopes: & on this head
there can be no better hope than that of seeing it follow your example.
[In one way or other I am in correspondence with the Constituted
Authorities of all these States, though with Peru the correspondence
is as yet only on one side, nor does it at present seem very nor do I see any near prospect
likely to be on of its having place on both sides what I am thus saying to you of the principles
of your administration as above, I have already said to the Liberator
of Colombia. In I mean, in a Letter which his the of his Republic M. Echeverria, has
taken charge of for me, & through him as well as, in another, sent open, through
him, to the Protector of Peru, whom at this very time I had, not long
ago, reason to expect the pleasure of seeing in this very place.
If Protector means
nothing more than
Dictator, and for to
the purpose of nothing no other end than
that of setting up a
good representative
Democracy it is the
very thing, I had on
a certain supposition
been wishing for: But
if instead of Dictator Caesar then my wish is that if nothing else will serve, Caesar may find a
Brutus. So I took the liberty of letting the expectations of those who have known him seem to be still on the favourable
side; long ere this grounds sufficient for your opinion will have come into your hands.
In the character of
a neighbour, Caesar
I can hardly think
would be very agreeable to you

In relation
to Mexico the account
I receive from that several
several natives of that country
amongst others the Deputies
to the Spanish Cortes
concurr in inspiring
me with the faintest hopes
of good government; not the
less, as in readily imagine
from the assurance that
my other works as well
as my name has
for this long have been
generally known there
and that in particular their
leading man from whom I expected to hear
thinks well of them: but
Colombia Mexico I have satisfaction of being assured that neither my
name nor my works are unknown. I speak from the Mexican
Deputies to the Spanish Cortes & others, & that in such sort that if

every thing good will depend upon them being rid
the upstart Spanish Despot whose name we see in the Newspapers
and of I hope they are rid by this time.
can but be got rid of, I look to that quarter with the fairest hopes. As
to Colombia though my letter which is in English is addressed to Bolivar alone
(it is not the first I have addressed to him) it will perhaps be a duplicate
has in consideration of the distance he is likely to be at, from
the seat of Government, sent to the Constituted Authorities there: five
persons Vice President, from principal Secretaries of State all of whom understand English.

Identifier: | JB/060/016/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 60.



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Main Headings


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Info in main headings field

jb to bernardino rivadavia secretary of state at buenos ayres






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jeremy bentham


[[watermarks::[prince of wales feathers] i&m 1818]]


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arthur wellesley, duke of wellington


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Notes public

letter 2898, vol. 11

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