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CLASSIFICATION – Warburton – Abuse of General terms.

The problem was, to prove that the revenues
& dignities which the ecclesiastics enjoy, and the powers which
they exercise are of utility to the nation.

Had it been simply [and impartially] whether
they are so or no, a much simpler course
would have been the proper one. It would have The 1st they
been to have enquired what is the assistance force derived
from the religious sanction to those precepts rules of
conduct by which the happiness of this life is
endeavoured to be promoted. The next thing they would
have been to have stated the necessity there is for
the setting apart of a distinct profession for the purpose of for the to announce
announcement and inculcate this Sanction. One should then
have enquired in what respect the different orders distinctions
in that profession contributed was to — For what reason
it is that one set of men should be
for calling themselves Prebend, another for calling themselves Canons & a third another for calling
themselves Deans.

As the result of all these enquiries carried or in
the [plain] & shortest road, might not have been in
every [respect] article, what it was convenient [I
mean to ...
it should be; the business was to find out invoke another road

How far it is promoted by the certain apart a certain
number of offences to be tried by rules a system which nobody
knows, & which are in most respects the
of them with which the people are acquainted with
and approve.

---page break---

in a NOTE v. CLASS: New. Explication of

Time was when this doctrine usher'd in ligh with deemed great pomp and assurance of ... might have made as
good an Article of faith as many others:
at present we have full as many as those
who take charge of them have them in charge know what to
do with: the times are season is now over gone and for
making new ones.

A choice secret of this Author's invention
for making two-legged animals without
feathers by cashes of the pen.

Man in the hands of this acute wonder-working Divine
is †† †† turns out to be a sort of Polype: out of which without dam hurting it [without doing the insect, now no longer an insect the least hurt he can cut
as many persons as he pleases,⊞⊞ ⊞⊞ leaving each person alive and lusty and ready to go about its business. For the
he has been merciful, and made but
those of them – being the number he wanted
for his book – a choice secret &c.

This infinite divisibility of Wi Personalities
and the Wills belonging to them is the one of those
grand distinctions on which the he has
i founded his whole book.

[Of the pen] It This bent was taken as he intimates
from a process used in the Law- Chicane-
manufactory: in which he had worked in not
the younger part of his life for some it seems not altogether without profit, in his
time younger days.

[... his whole book.] I say, one of them: for there
are several others [of equal verity and precision], all of which must be true
as true as this for them to underprop his conclusions: and
is they are.

NOMENCLATURE. Individuals 𝓧 State – Warburton [BR|3| ]

Identifier: | JB/067/015/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 67.


Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

law in general

Folio number


Info in main headings field

nomenclature individuals & state warburton





text sheet

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jeremy bentham


[[watermarks::[gr with crown] [lion with vryheyt motif]]]


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Notes public

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