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1818 July 14
Penal Code
Of falshood the several possible modifications will be
found comprizable, all of them under one or the other
of the six seven distinguishable heads following, all of them
capable of preventing a demand for punishment.
1. Simple falshood uttered conveyed in and by word discourse spoken.
2. Simple falshood uttered in and by discourse written or
say scriptitious
3. Simple falshood uttered and conveyed in and by deportment, producing having
and designed to have the effect of discourse.
4. Perjury, whether applied to discourse, in which form
so ever uttered – the oral or the scriptitious form.
5. By Deceptious Personation viz. Deception Personation
say for shortness, Personation.
5. Forgery applied to discourse in the scriptitious form.
6. Forgery applied to of real evidence: applied to things considered
as capable of speaking, by means of their extremely constitious
situation or motive, in the character of sources
of evidence, and viz. of circumstantial evidence: and
in this way producing the effect of human discourse.
Note that of this species of forgery a person may
also have been made the subject: viz. in respect of all any
all such properties and appearances and properties
as persons belong in common to persons and to things.
7. Personation: viz. Decetious Personation: say for shortness
in one word Personation.
( ) Nutu signisque loquuntur – by nods and signs they speak.
In the fabulous history of by , certain arrows
poisoned by the blood of Centaurs are necessary to the success of the siege
of Troy. Master of the spot where they be buried, Philoctetes has sworn
never to say where
it is. All the
of Ulysses are not sufficient
to produce a breach
of this sacred silence. But
Philoctetes stampt on the place with his foot, and the arrows are dug up.
Identifier: | JB/068/116/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 68.
1818-07-14 |
not numbered |
068 |
penal code |
116 |
penal code |
001 |
text sheet |
1 |
recto |
e2 |
jeremy bentham |
j whatman 1816 |
john flowerdew colls |
1816 |
22311 |