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1826. July 31
Penal Code.B.1. General titles
Ch. XI. Offences against Trust

1. In regard to property Sole case where has a separate name
In respect of moral turpitude it is in all cases an aggravation.
In respect of demand for punishment it is in pecuniary cases a ground of

§. 2. Expository Instructional and enactive

Offences respecting against trust may be distinguished into Offences
against trustees as such and Offences by trustees.

Where a trust has place the delinquent may be
either the trustee himself or a person at large.

Except in so far as it happens to the trust happen to be productive of
self regarding benefit in the trustee an Offence against a trustee as such is no otherwise
maleficial than in so far as it is so to the intended
benefitee. But in the character of a benefitee the offences
to the mischievousness mischievous effects of which a person stands exposed, are
those and no others to which a person at large stands

Be this as it may the determination of the hands into which a species of how so extensive as
that in question as exercised can not be left to the
result of a scramble or to mere chance. On some occasions Some person or
persons there will be in whose hands there is a greater
probability of its being aptly exercised than in
hands determined by accident or lot. For making
provision for such appropriate aptitude this is course
and that is the vesting in some one person or set of persons
the power of collection with regard to the right of possession
and the trust. Thus arise so many correspondent
of the wrong capable of being committed
by the placing in this situation person any
of which the result is that by the person or persons by whom it
ought to be filled, it fails of being actually filled accordingly.
☞ Here exhibit this as per Table.

Identifier: | JB/068/259/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 68.



Marginal Summary Numbering

not numbered



Main Headings

penal code

Folio number


Info in main headings field

penal code





text sheet

Number of Pages




Page Numbering

d5 / e5


jeremy bentham


j whatman turkey mill 1824


george bentham

Paper Producer

jonathan blenman


Paper Produced in Year


Notes public

ID Number


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