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Written pleadings were now added to oral
ones: added, not substituted: prefixt being
interposed between the delivery of the original
scrap of parchment, and the debate
in Court. French the spoken matter, preceded
by Latin, and that written: thus
was darkness doubled, and difficulty
trebled. Of this darkness, the Latin part
continued, unimpaired by any the faintest
ray of light till towards the middle
of the last Century. By a Statute of the 4th
of George the 2nd No. 1731, the darkness invisible,
transfigured into the existing
darkness visible.
Contemplating it, the all –
– but Blackstone can not hold his
Notice to dishonest men in
general was then given by the fee-fed Judges.
Is there any man, whose property, or any
part of it, you would like to have? any
man you would like to ruin, if you can
drop pence with them into my till, till
they are tired, do what you like, and if they
call upon me to help them, Stand fast;
they shall have their labour for their pains.
Or, if you can not come at them, I will do the
thing for you. This was neither cried, nor
---page break---
sung, nor said. But when acts speak, words
are needless. Such was the language then,
such is the language now.
As to the uses, the advantage
obtained through mendacity will be brought
to view under the next head: even supposing
the line of truth ever so rigidly adhered to,
still the advantage could not fail to be
considerable. To no inconsiderable extent,
incapacity, especially in that rude state
of society, would do the work of sinister
art. Only by the capacity of paying on the
one part for it, would any bounds be set to the
extent to which, without aiming at excess,
a rambling story might be spun out on
either part.
Even from the first, to the
purpose of giving the proposed Defendant
to understand that he was expected to make
his appearance on a certain day, at a certain
place, on pain that should follow, was applied,
(it should seem,) a scrap of parchment, (paper
as yet unknown) with a scrap of writing
written upon it. Of the writing, Latin was
the language: by any thing so vulgar as
the conquered language, conquerers disdained
to sully hands, lips or ears. It was between
this Writ and the viva voce discussion
that the pleadings were interposed.
On the occasion of each suit,
Identifier: | JB/081/178/002 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 81.
081 |
petition for justice |
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copy/fair copy sheet |
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c23 / c24 / c25 / c26 |
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