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Note (a)1 ? ultisso 16
(2) (11 §.6. Reconciliation
5. English bad intentions
English bad intentions
Now for the state of the case as between in respect goodness and badness
of intention on the part of rulers in England
1. Determined resistance
to every plan contributive
to fulfilment of ends of
1. The determined resistance at all times made to every
plan by which any contribution can be made to the fulfilment
of the ends of justice — to the exclusion of factitious delay vexation
and expence, to the substitution giving more extensive execution and effect
to the law (the substantive branch of the law) such as it is — to the
rendering possible the knowledge of that rule of action for the ignorance
of which men are punished in boundless numbers
are wilfully subjected to boundless punishment — to the exclusion
or even so much as to the diminution of the practice of sale
and denial of justice.
2 Repeated Commissions
encreasing under pretence
of lessening the sale &
denial of justice
2. The institution of Commission after Commission
on pretence of lessening the sale and denial of justice which
it is but too incontestable that of these measures this measure the real
purpose and end in view is to give encrease to the
abuses evils the removal of which or at any rate the diminution
is the re pretended professed object
3 Under pretext of
law reform encreasing
public burthen for
the sake of patronage
3. The advantage taken of the prevailing desire
of law reform to add to the depredation committed
encrease of amount of the public burthen for the sake of
sinister profit to ministers in the shape of patronage
and the addition thus made to the aggregate mass of the objects of
general desire applied to employed in the augmentation of
corruptive influence on the pretended self-stiled representatives of the people
4 Mutual laudation
4 The system practice of mutual self laudation as
well as self-laudation so universally and constantly kept
up between every one and every other of the sets of functionaries
amongst whom the powers of government are shared,
representing virtue in every shape as existing having place in the proportion
in which the opposite view has place in reality.
Identifier: | JB/081/300/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 81.
1829-06-02 |
21 |
081 |
petition for justice |
300 |
petitions |
001 |
text sheet |
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c2 / e11 / f16 |
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1828 |
26087 |