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Conclusion to the whole publication
Matter of this
volume enactive
instructional ratiocinative
& Exemplificational —
importance of
its contents — hope of
beneficial result to
the community
In this comparatively volume, such as it is, to the
uses purposes of a history, a didactic work, a draught of a proposed bill in Parliament
and those of a public to Parliament: in other words to
matter enactive, instructional, ratiocinative and exemplificative
master petition. But for the public interest the rest would
have remained in the state of theory: in which state of
self-blinded eyes and deaf self-deafened ears would have
at all times endeavoured to be turned and might at all times have been
continued to be turned, by all those whose particular and sinister
interest is seen by them to be counteracted by the same lively
endeavours to be rendered to the that same general interest. By the
petition form herein above superadded to those others such
means are employed as the nature of the case allows for
forcing the drawing the matter out of its theoretical form and
forcing it into practice: namely by putting it into the power of as many
individuals as shall at any time be so disposed
by holding up to the self closed eyes the useful truth in question in such sort that
without seeing it they can not open themselves and by sounding
it close to the self- closed ears in such sort that the what
they will, they can not avoid hearing it: thus producing in the
one way or the other way, or in both that uneasiness but for
which in situations such as those in question, no good
investing in it a sacrifice to it ever so slight of the particular
interest of those occupying it ever has been, or so long
as man is man ever can be done. Hope of good as
for of evil by one or other both of these instruments every thing
that is done is done: hope of good it is not in the power of
the subject many to make application of to the ruling few: Uneasiness
is the term employed by Locke under the notion of its including in
its impact the whole aggregate of the springs of his human action:
eyes being thus open to one half of them not open to the other half: Uneasiness
is the term employed by Locke, by whose the splendour of whose
name Judge and Co
with their accomplices
among the ruling few are
in their own language
estopped from making
objections to it. How is it altogether a secret either to those who write declarations or to those who read them that in the import of the word uneasiness, the import
of intimidation is included. It has not been either to Roman Catholics or to : it is not even now to Poachers. [+]
[+] Between the triumphant conqueror and the
gibbet tending robber the difference between
success and non success, added to the
difference between large scale and small
scale, makes the difference.
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