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Indirect Legislation
The end of government when in whenever as far as it is
what it ought to be, is to promote provide for the happiness of the
governed. Happiness is promoted provided for partly by combating
mischief, partly by promoting good. [ mischief may In The former
way is that in which there is most to be done by government
accrue befal a community from without or from within:]
and in which the ability necessity of its interference is least contestible - ]
from Mischief may befal a community from the
adverse powers of nature or from the misconduct designs of man: from
the designs misconduct of its own members or from the designs
of foreign adversaries:. from the designs of
that governing part of
its own members
which is governed,
or of that which governs.
Of public mischief then [in a state]
there are three four great forces: calamity, hostility,
delinquency, and misrule. [Legislation may accordingly
be divided into so many different branches: of
the two first it is not my intention here to treat.]
[Of legislation against Of the means of providing against calamity and against calamity, and legislation against
hostility hostility it is not my intention here to treat.]
If the Opposite A word or two concerning that
branch of [the business of] government [which seeks] of which the principal destination is to promote good.
Opposite as are the ideas of annexed [which are commonly] annexd to the
words good and evil, this is not always equally the case
with the phrases propositions in which those terms occurr.
To avoid evil is one way of promoting good; or
[can good be promoted without arresting evil] will
any good which is introduced be acknowledged to be
of any value, except in as far as it stands clear of
evil. The effects things themselves being thus intimately
Identifier: | JB/087/002/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 87.
087 |
indirect legislation |
002 |
indirect legislation |
001 |
text sheet |
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recto |
f1 / / / f4 |
jeremy bentham |
[[watermarks::gr [crown motif] [britannia with shield motif]]] |
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