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Indirect Legislation
Poisons & medicines
for abortion
I will here likewise take notice of two instances
in which to appearance at least the checking of knowledge might
if practicable be of use: [observing at the same
time that they are no proofs of any advantage
possessed by a barbarous over an enlighten'd age].
These are the cases offences of poisoning and procuring
abortion. Not that these afford any proof are proofs of any
superiority on the part of an ignorant over an
enlighten'd age. [The arts of poisoning are pretty general
among the most savage tribes] The use of poisons
has been found to be understood and practised by the
most savage tribes: among the negroes of Africa: among
the aborigines of North and South America. The
The art of procuring abortion is also practised among
nations equally rude and be ignorant. It is plain
therefore that against this mischief nothing can be done
by any general measures taken for the discouragement
of learning. Whoever understands the arts of
healing, understands as a branch of it the arts of
poisoning: since yo to know the remedy he must know
the cause of the disease. But the examples of abovementioned
shew that though you were even to proscribe
the study of medicine you would still be never
the . To prevent people therefore from knowing
what things will produce the effect of poison is impossible:
all you can do is in the first place to
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Identifier: | JB/087/098/002 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 87.
not numbered |
087 |
indirect legislation |
098 |
indirect legislation |
002 |
text sheet |
4 |
recto |
f13 / f14 / f15 / f16 |
jeremy bentham |
[[watermarks::gr [crown motif] [britannia with shield motif]]] |
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