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1 June 1804
Feudum novum ... made descendible
to collaterals as if
it was feudum antiquum.
II 230
Halfblood excluded from
succesion on account of the
improbability of their descent
from the purchaser. II 231
The obtaining an estate by
gift, by descent in
tail, or
by will = purchasing. II 241
If a man, seised in fee,
divine his whole estate to
his heir at law, ... he
shall be adjudged to take
by descent. II 241.
If a remainder be limited
to the heirs of Sempronius,
... & he dies during the
continuance of the particular
estate, his heirs shall
take as purchasers. II 242
If an estate be made to
A. for life, remainder
to his heirs in fee, his
heirs shall take by descent.
II 242
He that is attainted suffers
an extinction of his blood
II 246.
Alions Aliens are not
allowed to have any inheritable
blood in them
II 249
The only ... foundation upon
which newly purchased
land can ... descend to a
brother, is the supposition
& fiction of law that it
descended from some of
his ancestors. II 250
By attaineder ... the blood
of the person attainted
is so corrupted, as to be
rendered no longer inheritable.
II 251
The blood [of one attainted]
being utterly corrupted &
extinguished, it follows ..
that he should be incapable
of inheriting any
thing for the future
II 253
If a father be seised in
fee, & the son is attainted,
... & then the father dies
the land shall escheat to the
lord, because the Son, by the
corruption of his blood, is incapable
to be heir, & there can
be no other heir during
---page break---
his life: but nothing shall
be forfeited to the king, for
the son never has any interest
in the lands to forfeit.
II 253
A person attainted shall ...
obstruct the descent of land
... to his posterity ... The
channel which conveyed
the hereditary blood from
his ancestors to him, is ...
totally dammed up, and
rendered impervious for the
future. II 254
By the law of England,
a man's blood is so universally
corrupted by attainder
that his sons can neither
inherit from him, nor to any
other ancestors. II 254 255
By pardon [a] father is
made a new man, & may
convey new inheritable blood
to his after-born children
II 254
By the law of nature ... [all
things] were common to all
mankind. II 258
Bishop refusing or neglecting
to examine and admit their patron's
clerk ... is a disturber
II 278
A father's ... purchasing a
presentation ... for his son
... is not simony. II 280.
Bonds to resign [a living]
at the patron's request
are ... legal: for they
may possibly be given for
legal consideration. II 280.
Forfeiture may be incurred
from for the non-performance
of a condition implied
by law from a principle
of natural reason.
II 281
The conversion of land
from one species to another
is waste. II 282.
– or of one species of edifice
into another – II 282
Penalty for waste – forfeiture
of the thing wasted
II 283
---page break---
Contingencies ... cannot
... be assigned to a stranger
unless coupled with
some present interest.
II 290
The admission of property
– then giving a separate
right by the law of society
to those things which by
the law of nature were
in common. II 293
A deed not valid if not
written on paper or
parchment II 297
A deed is good, ... if it
hath an impossible date
II 304.
Signing "includes" sealing.
II 306
Delivery necessary to a
good deed. II 307
A feoffee would only have
an estate at will without
corporal possession if it
were given to him. II 311
Non jus, sed seisina, facit
stipitim II 312
Corporal tradition of lands
being inconvenient
a symbol is allowed to be substituted. II 312
The conveyance of copyhold
estates is made ... by delivery
of a rod or virge. II 313
Livery in deed by giving
putting a turf or latch of
the door into the hands
of the lessor &c. II 315
Livery in law good only
if the feoffee inters during the life of the
feoffor. II 316
Livery of seisin is indeed
incident and necessary to one species of leases,
viz. leases for life of corporeal
but to no other. II 318
In exchange ... entry must
be made on both sides; for,
if either party die before
entry, the exchange is void
for want of sufficient notoriety.
II 323
Identifier: | JB/097/126/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 97.
1804-06-01 |
097 |
126 |
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recto |
d3 / d10* |
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