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22 March 1813 Remember Town Hall
This cause [...?] for judgement
The Chancellor said this was a Bill
field by Legaters for their Legacies so long
ago as the year 1801. How, by fair
practise it could have remained in
the masters office during so long a
period he was unable to conceive
but he means not to impute blame
to any of the Parties concerned in it.
He had carefully read through the
whole of the affidavits [holding up
a large file of affidavits] and had
come to a conclusion upon them.
But he wished also to have the
Masters opinion upon them. And
he should refer it back to the
Master and beg the favour of him
to [...?] through those affidavits and
[...?] to him (the Chancellor) what
after looking through them was
his (the Masters) opinion [...?]
Identifier: | JB/097/177/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 97.
1813-03-22 |
097 |
177 |
[[info_in_main_headings_field::collectanea […?] […?] ld eldon]] |
001 |
collectanea |
1 |
recto |
john dickinson & c<…> |
a. levy |
31561 |