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Click Here To Edit No 4 Preservation by Temperature 19 Sep. 1796
A new method
of preserving &
meliorating sundry provisions
articles and other
articles substances by the
regulation of temperature.
1. Preservation of
all substances,
vegetable & animal
2. Improvement of
3. Improvement in the
making of Wines -
Gooseberry, Currant,
4. Improvements in
malting - Shops are
of whether instead
of a single floor.
5. Hastening the ripening
of long-keeping
fruits - such as Pears,
&c, even when gathered.
6. Drying wood for
musical instruments.
7. Hen - (by the Warm
Water Bath)
8. Ripening fruits
by a ripening
termperature: fermentation
being prevented
by exclusion of
the Air?
Missionary 1 Voyage
p.34. Rio de
Janiero - "Their
Port Wine, meliorated
by passing
through the tropical
climates is
allowed to excite
the goodness.
Hot or Cold?
The Hot or Cold
method which the
most advantageous
The cold method
leaves the substances
It will also be
cheaper, requiring
nothing but space
filled with Ice
The Hot can be
preferable only
at Sea, nor then
but on the supposition
that Ice sufficient
for the cold
method can not be
preserved at all,
or at least not without
such an expence
in vessels as would
render this method
dearer than the other
The Hot can serve
only for Fish and
Flesh. not for fruits:
or at least the fruits
in this method would
different from fresh
Hard pressure
another means of
preservation - perhaps
where flavour is not
required. Ex.g.
1. Fish.
2. Potatoes -
Inpurment, Brama
The fluids be pressed
out as in Cyder - making.
Corking in Vacuo
Contrivance for corking
a Vessel (a
bottle for instance)
after exhaustion,
with at less expence than
by a permanent
Cock- A Machine
for grasping a Cork -
the Rod of it moving
in the common way
on a Collar of Leathers,
but within without
i: e: above the iver a part
of the length to be
a screw, to force
the cork in by screwing.
Thus Bottles may
be corked in vacuo
by screwing
See Collins, conclusive
for sealing
with wafers.
For experiment,
& before the preservative
effect of the temperature
are fully
ascertained, under
every degree of temperature,
& in the instance
of every sort
of Subject, Glass
1. That the changes
of any may be exposed
to constant
2. That the goodness
of the Subject
may be ascertainable,
previously to
its being taken out
for use
Afterwards Barrels
as being the cheapest close Vessel.
1. Best means of
preserving the requisite
2. Best means of vindicating
3. Temperature proper
for each Subject
or class of Subjects.
For indication, thermometers - Quere
cheapest method of
constructing thermometers
in the wholesale
The graduation
may be performed
on the glass itself,
without any plate
of wood or metal for
the purpose
4. Effect of each
time of entrance
upon the conservatory.
This with depend
upon the
1. The quantity of
hotter air let in
each time
2. Its superiority of
5. Effect of a given
quantity of ice
upon the quantity
of water in the
Pird for the Thermometer -
the best for these low
temperatures- More
sensible than Mercury,
& when coloured
more visible.
Cold Method
The simplest mode
is by keeping in the
Ice House
But many articles
are destroyed by frost
i:e: the texture of
them is destroyed by
the conversion of the
water they contain
into Ice.
1. Most Fruits - as
Apples Peaches &c
2. Quere Legumes?
Any degree of cold
inferior to this it
should seem would
not injure them -
nor probably any degree
of cold, how
great soever, so long
as the juice of the
fruit was not converted
into ice.
It is supposed
that the point of
temperature at which
fermentation begins is
considerably higher
than the freezing
point - call it at
random 45 - Then
the business will be
accomplished, if
a means is provided
of ensuring the continuance
of the
subject at a temperature
between 32
(the freezing point) and
Between the Conserving,
and the Hot-
water room, instead
of a wall brick, a
wooden plate let into
the wall in that part
in which the holes may
be made for letting in
the pipes from the hot water
reservoir. Hot water
reservoir fords.
hot in .
Mercantile Plan -
Combine with some
of the Provision
Shops that are in
the habit of advertising -
This would
save the advertising
which is the great
expense - Bu
1. Burgess
2- Skill
3. Pressing
The expence of
Vessels would be ascertainable
a priori
from the expence
of the Barrels
&c employ'd
for salting
Provision - keeping
the most advantageous
application of the principle,
because production
of the quickest returns.
For indicating the
maximum of rise,
during a given period,
in the Bal Conservatory,
Six's thermometer.
Could not another
the converse of that
be made to indicate
the maximum of fall?
- or both rise & fall
in one.
The Pipes, wooden -
single- or double with
a temperature fence
between -
The pipes so constructed,
by joints
& cocks, as that the
hot water may come
in from below. to
prevent the heating
of the Conservatory by
the steam that would
rise, if the hot water were
to pour in from above
in which idea the hot
water would partly
Identifier: | JB/106/038/002 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 106.
1796-09-18 |
106 |
frigidarium |
038 |
preservation by temperature no 4 |
002 |
[[titles::hot or cold / corking in vessels / desicceration / cold method / […?] plan / cold preferring / solid conservation / preservanda]] |
plan |
2 |
recto |
f1 |
jeremy bentham |
i taylor |
evan nepean |
34626 |