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Vid. Six's thermr. Edinr. Mems.
{Two sketched drawings}
1 60 <hi rend="superscript">o 212<hi</hi> rend="superscript">o</hi>|
Lq | 169 | 59 |
Lo | 2.67 | .8 |
Lr | 2 | 1 |
Le | 1 | .75 | {0.25 Volume increased Bugman}
Lja | 10 to 15 | 0.75 |
Lf | 6 | .75 |
Nq | 7 | 1 |
No | 3 | 3 |
Nr | | .5 |
Nj | 2 | 1 |
| 60o | 212o |60o | 212o |
Ma | 3 | 2 |
Mo | 2 14/17 | 2 13/17=487/17 | Cr 2- ?|
Mv | 3 | much less |
Mj | 1.5 | less than 1 |
M=q | 17 | 2.5 |
M=n | 19- + 50<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> | .5 |
Pq | - | -
Bo | 18 | 6
| 60<hi rend="superscript">o | 212o |</hi>
| Ca 4 .| 5/6 |
| Cr 2- ? | 1? |
| Cy 1/4304 | 1/2304 |
| Aq 10| |
| Ao 2.86 | |
Ntn=38:1 | 2
Ljq = 16:1 | 1 1/3
| Na = 7:1 | 1
| Mo = 48:47.| 17
Records - of proceedings in the order of time.
of Exp.ts numbered. - Index.
The effect of changes on temperature ascertained & means of
remedying them.
3/4) 1/1
Apparatus - Receptacles - Tubs - Pestle & Mortar - knives &c tongs
Lamp - furnace - Charcoal &c. - Scales. & Weights
Barometer - thermometer. - hygrometer Glass measures.
Mercurial apparatus {Sketched diagram of apparatus} - Air receivers with glass pistons
Air pump - Mecurial air pump.
Blow pipe; & lamp and glass for tubes &c Glass rods - funnels, &c.
Wool or Cotton - Charcoal powder - Straw - Ashes. - Hair
Force - Wind - Steam - Expansion of heated bodies.- Gunpowder
Identifier: | JB/106/067/004 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 106.
106 |
frigidarium |
067 |
004 |
preservation of uniformity & steadiness of temperature |
copy/fair copy sheet |
4 |
recto |
f4 / / / |
fr4 |
pot 1796 |
fc6 |
1796 |
includes drawings |
34655 |