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1822 June 21.
Junctiana Proposal {Pencil} S. Mexicos Inducements.

than a sacrifice of personal interest ill-understood , to
personal well understood: still so difficult to
human weakness is every such sacrifice, so imperfectly
understood as yet is the connection between social
and personal interest - the characters of generosity would
not the less assuredly stamp themselves, upon the face of
the sacrifice, in the most conspicuous and unfading

So much as between Mexico and Columbia. How, as between Mexico and all other Nations. As, by refusal of this cession, Mexico would
stand forth in the eyes of other Nations in the light
of an enemy of their common welfare, so by consent
to it, she would establish herself in the character - the conspicuous,
the indisputable, the indelible character, - not
simply of a common friend, but of a benefactress: a common, universal and
unexampled benefactress. To her they would behold themselves
indebted - not merely for a benefit, but for such a benefit as unless
it were undesignedly and on all parts unexpectedly without design or expectation on the part of the benefactor
the Nations of the earth , taken in the aggregate, never yet
received at the hands of any one. Gratitude is therefore
an affection, of which, in so far as in minds so situated,
any such social affection can have place, she will be
an object in all eyes: in the eyes of the present generation
and of all future ones. By Spain and Spain alone, can any
exception to this observation be afforded. But, no longer than the
present delerium lasts, can this exception last: nations
are not, like individuals, exposed to any such lamentable
disease, as insanity cooeval with existence - insanity
beyond the reach of cure.

As by refusal of this cession Mexico wouldHowsoever liable to become faint the colours
of national gratitude may be such is not the
case with the impression made by respect. Respect is
a tribute, which, where really due, not even the bitterest
enemy can altogether refuse: and as to time tribute in this shape so far
from being diminished, the magnitude tribute in
this shape is even increased by it.


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Identifier: | JB/106/280/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 106.



Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

junctiana proposal

Folio number


Info in main headings field

junctiana proposal





copy/fair copy sheet

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Page Numbering

d16 / e9


john flowerdew colls



Paper Producer


jeremy bentham

Paper Produced in Year

Notes public

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