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Names, which being
defined once for all
while they intend then discourse
would declare announce
by fix the identity
of the thing, to
which they should
be applied, out
of the reach of
those mistakes
which sometimes
happen from
a variance in
the expression
the effects of which are
unnoticed by the
writer: who being
himself secure of
the identity of the
idea from it's
being that which
first offers itself
before the words expressions
does not always
sufficiently attend to
the intention of the


1 Mixing Vial
2 Athanor for Acids not Volatile
3 Athanor for Acids volatile of a piece - N.B. Cloth of Asbestos would do excellently well for the flexible part of the Athanor, if the texture were close enough to exclude the Air - or might not a Leather Pipe be lined with it. Think of a ist alike insoluble to fill up the tower of it.
4 Tube of Communication.
5 Receiver
6 Water Stopple {Boiled
{Unboiled or Fresh
7 Quicksilver Stopple
8 Transferring or Decanting Funnel
9 Firing- -Tube for Inflammation
10 Stopple-cap
11 Cork & Water Stopple.
12 Churn for Impregnation, — Impregnator., or Agitator
where the quantity of liquid with
which the Air is meant to be combined is definitely
of the compound meant intended to be preserved - Where
in short the object is combination. is the end in view
is of the synthetic kind.
13 Fountain for Agitation or Agitating
fountain - where the quantity of liquid is
---page break---

To hold a candle 13. indefinite, & the compound is not intended neglected.
to be preserved - Where the object end in view is
separation 2 of the analytic kind or analysis. or disengagement. viz. of one also
ingredient or element in a mixed mass of
air from the rest. reader who has no way of arriving at the former idea but through the latter expression.
create the materials & form the plan X assist in pointing out the most advantageous method of disposing of them & giving them their shape.
gain in method in brevity, in precision.
---page break---

SUBjects of Experiment
Common Air variously modified Hints in particular relative to the management of the several Laws of observation with a view to dispose them for new combinations
1 Common Air or subsisting - simple
2 Common Air tainted with respiration -
Respired Air
3. Common Air tainted with by supporting substances
Flame putrifying in it - encompassing substances
under putrefaction - Putrid Air
4. Common Air tainted by supporting flame
Adust or Combust Air - 1st by Metals
2d by Oils. 3. by Charcoal. 4. by
5. Common Air tainted by a mixture of Iron
filings and Brimstone - Air with Pyritic
mixture of Pyriticized Pyritified Air.
6. Common Air tainted by the Calcination of
Metals in it - Phlogisticated Air - as
Phlogisticated Alkali - or Air of Calcination.
7 Comm. Air tainted by diminution by Nitrous Air
II Residuary Air + + perhaps noxious unrespirable, because saturated with Phlogiston.
III Fixable Air FIXABLE or Alkaligenous-ne. +- +- Cretaceous: because the most is what is combd with Chalk
1 Fixable Air from Alkalis & Absolute by Acids
2 From do by Heat.
2 From substances in the ous fermentation
3 From substances in the Putrefactive fermentation
---page break---


1 From Metals
UNInflammable from Metals.
Metallic uninflammable.
---page break---
To register the Qualities or Properties observed noticed in regard to Airs
If single words could be invented to characterise these qualities the objects of investigation Whether they are
1 Noxious or Respirable
2 Extinctive or Abative to Flame
3. Vegetational. or Fatal to Vegetation
4. Inflammable or Uninflammable
5. Soluble in Water. or Insoluble.

Identifier: | JB/107/002/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 107.


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jeremy bentham


[[watermarks::[gr with crown] [britannia with crown]]]


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