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31 Jany 1809 Peines Paley's Net

Considered in itself, thus arbitrary, and anti constitutional,
and pregnant with abuse, and incapable of being properly
exercised, is the power which constitutes one of the two corresponding
and antagonizing forma of the Reverend Doctors exquisite
system of policy. But foragainst all this mischief the Doctor
has a remedy - a remedy of in his own sort state - a statement
in the true rman state, of the manner in which the power
aught to be exercised which, according to the system
of synonymation received in the every -thing - is -as -it-
-should -be school, is exactly the same thing as to any
is, and ever will be.

"But" (continues he) let this power be deposited where
"it will, the exercise of it might so be regarded, not as a favour
to be yielded to solicitation, granted a friendship, or
"least of all to be made sabsonical to the conciliatory or
gratifying of political attachments" [or less them least of all,
(he might have added) to the putting of many into the products
of those byt whom it is procures]"but as a judicial act:
"as a deliberation to be conducted with the same character of impartiality,
with th e same exact and diligent attention to the proponents
and circumstances of the case, as that which the judge upon the bench
"was expected to moam and show in the trial of the prisoners
"guilt. The question whether the prisoner be guilty, and
"whether, being guilty he ought to be executed, are equally
"questions of public justice. The adjudication of the latter
"question is as much a function of magistrates as
the trial of the former. The public welfare" (here the Reverend
Doctor is sit a nodding for a moment by the virtue opiate narcistic of his own
"sermon) "the public welfare says he is interested in both. The conviction of
"an offender should depend upon nothing but the proof of his guilt,
"nor the execution of the sentence upon any thing beside the quality
"and circumstances" [viz. the according to him undescribable circumstances] of his crime. It

---page break---

Identifier: | JB/107/239/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 107.



Marginal Summary Numbering




Main Headings

law versus arbitrary power (a hatchet for dr paley's net)

Folio number


Info in main headings field

peines paley's net





text sheet

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jeremy bentham


th 1806



Paper Producer

andre morellet


Paper Produced in Year


Notes public

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