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1818 Oct. 16
Parl. Reform Bill

The following are the evils abuses upon which the preservation of the Monarch, and with
the Tory Members of the Monarchio-Aristocratical proprietorship despotism
are dependent
depend continuance in the possession for their seats: Main evils Vote compelling, terrorism, Competition
excluding terrorism, Bribery: collateral evils, or inconveniences; Needless and factitious Elections,
delay, vexation and expence: drunkenness upon an expensive scale, injuries to person and property by scattered waste of wholesale waste of time by long protracted voting,
violence single and by confederated violences: waste of parliamentary time by long contested Elections.

The same are the evils upon which the Whig Members
of that same despotism are dependent for their share in that
same system of misrule.

1 In defence of their share the Monarch with his Tories
have no need of ever setting to work either mouth of pen or pens.

2. The Whigs who perform are have no means of promoting
their own but the giving employment to those one or other true instruments
of discourse who can look nowhere for support
to their cause find themselves under the yoke of that
under the gallery necessity of who for support to their cause
for assistance to their endeavours can look to none nowhere but to the
people of at whose expence their share in the corrupt despotism
is maintained are driven by necessity to the making giving
the most
what use they can to the deriving employment
to those indispensable instruments, and thereby to throw call
the thickest cloak they can find or make upon the incompatibility
of their party interest with the universal interest
and of that sacrifice of the universal one to the other interest in which
for the continuance of which they are acting in constant alliance
with those with against whose the a sort of petty frontier warfare of detail
is for appearance sake, and for the sake of those good things
for which they are in competition with them, is maintained.

Identifier: | JB/109/088/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 109.



Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

Fallacies; Parliamentary Reform

Folio number


Info in main headings field

Parl. Reform Bill





Text sheet

Number of Pages




Page Numbering




[[watermarks::I&M [Prince of Wales feathers] 1818]]


Paper Producer

Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington


Paper Produced in Year


Notes public

ID Number


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