Box 109 consists of over 500 folios of manuscript dating between c. 1785 and 1831, on all manner of subjects from war and peace, the panopticon penitentiary, parliamentary reform, Scots law, political economy, constitutional law, and so forth. Box 109 also contains lots of interesting short extracts of collectanea and printed segments from newspapers and periodicals.
A rough outline of its contents is as follows:
- 1–2. [War and peace]—Pacification and emancipation; [marginals, c. 1785]
- 3–20. [Panopticon]—Poor house management, house and furniture, lithographic instruction; [c. 1794–1802]
- 21–6. [Panopticon]—Plan and accounts; [c. 1800]
- 27–39. [Scotch Reform]—Court of Session Judgments; 1802
- 40–2. [Scotch Reform]—Episcopalians, Seceders, Roman Catholics, Cameronians; [etc. c. 1808]
- 43–53. References to books; lists of books for the binder; 1802-09
- 54–65. [Political economy]—collectanea; 1803, 1809, 1810, 1812
- 66–79. Parliamentary reform—disenfranchising—Edinburgh Review; 1819
- 80–136. [Parliamentary reform]—collectanea—Radicalism not dangerous—[newspaper extracts]; 1818, 1819
- 137–88. [Parliamentary reform]—collectanea—[newspaper extracts]; 1820
- 189–258. [Parliamentary reform]—British India, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Finland, Portugal, Spain, France, Haiti, Tripoli, Mexico,—collectanea [extracts from Morning Chronicle and Traveller]; 1821, 1822
- 259–95. [Constitutional Code] collectanea; 1827–32
- 296–99. JB to Mavrocordato; 27 Feb. 1824
- 300–6. Morning Chronicle leaders [James Emerson to Henry Hunt, 9 Nov. 1825]
- 307. Note pour M. Bentham par M. Odilon Barrot [n.d.]
- 308. Paris [monarchy]—marginals; 1825
- 309–10. JB to Isambert; 1825
- 311–24. Parliamentary reform—collectanea [parliamentary papers and newspapers
- 325. Petition for law reform [printed]
- 326. Law reform association proposal [printed; c. 1830]
- 327. [Printed advertisement of British Traveller; n.d.]
- 328. [Printed notice of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals]
- 329. Property tax assessment [printed]; 1805
- 330. Vauxhall bridge subscribers; printed; n.d.
- 331. [French company prospectus: Jurine-Triayre et Audeoud; printed, n.d.]
- 332. [Prospectus of Journal hebdomadaire des arts et métiers; printed, n.d.]
- 333. JB to The Herald—Speaker’s job; [draft letter] 1829
- 334–5. Samuel Bentham on naval economy and architecture [printed letters to United Services Journal; 1829. Annotated, 1831]
Given that the material in Box 109 covers such a long period of time, is written in several hands, and contains a lot of fair copies, marginalia, and printed text, its difficulty level ranges from very easy to difficult.
Untranscribed: 63
In Progress: 1
Ready For Review: 0
Completed: 454
Total: 518