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1819 Sept 23
Collectanea Parl. Reform Manchester Massacre

Morn. Chron. 20 Sept. 1819. Manchester Massacre
Morn. Chron. – Apologizes for the Whig's apathy. Calls the Radiculists Spenceans.
But exortes the Whigs to themselves

The Whigs in their private station, are at this moment in a
situation of no ordinary difficulty. They see the Country placed on the
very brink of ruin by a succession of wicked and improvident measures,
to which from first to last they have opposed themselves; and in
the every step they are Imperiously called on to to take to avert that ruin,
if possible, they can not disguise from themselves, lies no Inconsiderable
danger. The distress and misery diffused so extensively
throughout the Country, have given birth to the wildest political doctrines,
incompatible with all civil order and good Government.
Committees of Spenceans, under the mask of Reform, have
called together large assemblages of the people willing to listen to
every plan, however absurd, that promised relief to their distress
and unaware of the ends which these plunderers had in view.
The projects of these mad or wicket visionaries, it neither can nor
ought to be the interest of any set of political men to encourage.
The Whigs have, therefore, to encounter the wicked and mischievous
system of Ministers, and another equally wicked and mischievous
system, of to which it has given rise. It is not one of the least of
the misfortunes of the present day, that men of property are afraid
to come forward and assist in carrying those moderate plans of Reform,
which alone can avert the threatened ruin from one quarter,
least they should give strength to an Enemy which seems to menace
it from another.

But whatever might be the sentiments of the Whigs, as
to the proper moment for urging those Reforms which they conceive
of so much consequence to the Country, that question is quite separate
from the one which Government has now forced on this
consideration –

That question is not whether the Constitution might
or might not be improved, a question respecting which there
may be considerable differences of opinion, but whether we
shall live under any Constitution at all, respecting which
there ought to be none.

Identifier: | JB/109/119/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 109.



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Parliamentary Reform

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Collectanea Parl. Reform Manchester Massacre




Morn. Chron. 21 Sept. 1819



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