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2 Aug. 1802
N.S. Wales

Admitting that facility of extraction is not increased
by distance the possible old staple actually existent articles of this
class may be disposed of for this purpose dismissed on this occasion with as much
facility as the possible new ones.

Gold and Silver miners might, to shape for any proof that could be given to the contrary be found
to exist in New South Wales: but Gold and Silver
miners actually do exist and in great abundance
in Spanish America: and, even in those already peopled
countries, many are the miners of these pretious
metals that have been abandoned and every day
continue to be abandoned, for not continuing sufficiently
pretious to be worked.+
+ Garnier traductin To San A. V p. 132 Note XV. p. 1:

But while New South Wales was making the most
of the possible gold and silver mines and her sham gold mines (for
counterfeit gold mines were have been no more wanting to her than
counterfeit supposed new castles+) + Collins p. Ireland was enjoying her gold feasting her eyes with
extracted from real mines. And this gold (so much more
valuable is Irish, than many a mass of Spanish gold) has
hitherto with the help of good management been actually found capable of bearing its own
charges.. It possesses, and that in the utmost property perfection,
the property which I have already noted as altogether hopeless,
in regard to the bulk of Colonial produce. that of contributing
by the amount of it
It contributes
to the exigencies of government at home:
While aye, and by the whole amount of it In America, the King of Spain is glad to compound
for a fifth, if not by this time for a tenth part of the produce.li
li A. Smith B. l. Ch. xl.p Vol. i. p. 314 In Ireland, the King of Great Britain and Ireland receives the
whole. In , a gold mine is but a gold mine: it The
mine of Wicklow, a gold mine besides being a gold mine, is what is
more valuable
a mine of places: and the places are not inferior
in value to the gold. In what degree the contributions of his
Majesty's subjects in both Islands are lessened by this internal event treasure
I pretend to know no knowledge beyond what the amount of the produce
furnishes. I have done my Lord: c c Your Lordship shall will never find me making mountains out of mole-hills; a thousand in years, little more or
less less, is not matter for any thing beyond a joke.

Identifier: | JB/116/109/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 116.



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panopticon versus new south wales

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n. s. wales





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d24 / e10


jeremy bentham



jeremy bentham

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