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There remains the relieving my character from the official imputations already
complained of: but, if the above restitutio in integrum be performed, the imputations drop of course.
In a letter, which can hardly be a secret to you, I mentioned Mr Nepean
as a Gentleman who knows the whole of the business from the commencement
of it to the last stage: who knows a great deal about it that by considerations of
delicacy and propriety he has been restrained from communicating to me, but
who to you (I am satisfied) would communicate every thing that could be of use.
If, from any cause, it should have happened that you have not yet
turned the matter in your thoughts, you will, at any rate, I flatter myself,
have the goodness to say something to me by which my expectations in regard
to time may in some measure be directed. — I have the honour to be &c —
No 13
No 83 Mr. Vansittart to Mr Bentham
Dear Sir Blackheath 10 Septr. 1801—
I must apologize for my inattention in neglecting to acknowledge
the receipt of your large packet respecting .... I cannot however accuse
myself of having misused, an interval of leisure; for, Mr H. A. having
been absent till within these two days, I have had the whole routine of
office to attend to, which has nearly made up for the cessation of
Parliamentary business.
With respect to your Convict plan, I have not yet had an opportunity
of consulting with Lord Pelham, on whose decision the business
must principally turn.—
I am &c —
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copies of letters 1638, 1661, and 1663, vol. 6 |
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